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Hi Becky darlin: What made the doctors suddenly listen to me? I traveled into another county with different doctors. They set me up for a test that I had about a year ago. But this time there was a technician who operated the device that was inserted into me; and not just left within me with no one in th room. Did you ever? And to think Medicare paid for the original test. This was originally done with a licensed gynecologist. Was he really? Notice I am not naming the doctor. What really bothers me is that the nephrologist would not listen to me, Kept putting me off with appointments and would not answer any questions and neither did his assistant. Also could not go to another nephrologist as this group is a monopoly for and in my county. I finally went into debt by traveling into this other county. I am to old to make a move at age 84. Why should I not have the same advantage as others to die a more peaceful and pain free as possible? I am not just saying this for me. I am speaking for the others who are in the same position as myself.
And to be more specific, there is much more to this story of mine and I am sure of the many others. I want to thank those who care and pray for a change in education and attitude. LOVE

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So sad but commonplace