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I've been feeling cartilage in my throat clicking for 8 months.
I'm living in China, and 8 months I just had a baby. I stayed at the hospital, didnt take any medication, so was in so much pain I couldn't move. Well one day I wanted to get something I couldn't reach. So I stretched my arm and neck and I might've done that a little to hard, and then I heard a click in my throat. I thought I broke something in my throat I start touching it and it didnt hurt. Then I started swallowing and the clicking started. I told my husband what happened and he told a nurse. The nurse told me that it's nothing and it's normal to hear a little clicking in the throat sometimes. She said to not think about it. I'm a person with anxiety, of course I was going to think about it. The clicking didnt stop, I felt it everyday all the time, the only times it doesnt click is when I eat.
But 2 months after that nothing changed, my husband took me to see a doctor. The doctor told me to see an ENT. They did an endoscopy, put a small camera to check my throat. And found nothing. They just told me my throat looked a little swollen. So I went home, feeling alone like nobody would understand. I explained everything to my husband and he understood me, but all he can do is take me to see a doctor , and they cant find anything. So, 3month after that I felt the cartilage in my throat more uncomfortable, this time I felt like something was stuck, there was still clicking but I felt like maybe a cartilage is out of place because I felt something stuck. I went again to get a x-ray done, and they found nothing. The doctor actually told me that I have a perfect throat and everything is in place. He told me that I have acid reflux. Then he asks if I feel any burning sensation in my throat , I tell him that I dont feel anything like that. I feel like a cartilage is not right, the throat clicks when I swallow and then it feel like something is getting stuck. He told me not to worry that its acid reflux and gave me medicine to take for a week. After I finished the medicine nothing changed. One month ago I went to go see a different doctor, this time I knew I was wasting my time after he put a little mirror on the back of my throat and said that there is nothing there and that it's acid reflux from eating too much spicy food 😑😔 I just went home and gave up.
I felt like I just have to deal with this for the rest of my life.
But I started searching on the internet and found this thread and I am starting to feel hopeful.
I want to share my story to let other people that are experiencing the same thing and let know that they're not alone and I hope one day we all find the solution soon.

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Replies to "I've been feeling cartilage in my throat clicking for 8 months. I'm living in China, and..."

Did you find any solution?

you need to have a CT scan in order to know the the cartilage's condition

how you doing now?