Has anyone experienced internal vibrations?

Posted by redladyjoni @redladyjoni, Nov 26, 2018

I started having the only way I can explain it is internal vibrations. I've had them for 3 months now, I went to t hihe ER and they told me it was anxiety. A doctor diagnosed me at a clinic as having Lyme disease I've started a 21-day prescription of Doxycycline I'm on day 7. I went to a psychiatrist a week ago to get something because of my nerves are just over the brink. He prescribed me Gabapentin and Valium I've only been on them a few days.
Has anyone experienced these internal vibrations?I have them almost 24/7 chest neck stomach from the hips down. I have more lab tests that should be in today, but the doctor's office said that they would not call unless there was some abnormality in the lab work.

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After that internal vibration & faster heartbeat, I go to the hospital and the doctor said that my heart and lung is in good condition and he said that I have anxiety. I am not sure whether it is anxiety or vaccine. I am so stress right now

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Please try to lower your stress, It makes a big difference in the vibrations, Try yoga or breathing exercises. As soon as my stress level lowered my vibrations became almost unnoticeable. They'd been testing me for cancer & when all was clean it was a huge relief & the vibrations dropped to almost zero. Stay aways from toxic meds like Lyrica,..Horrible side effects and useless for this.


Please try to lower your stress, It makes a big difference in the vibrations, Try yoga or breathing exercises. As soon as my stress level lowered my vibrations became almost unnoticeable. They'd been testing me for cancer & when all was clean it was a huge relief & the vibrations dropped to almost zero. Stay aways from toxic meds like Lyrica,..Horrible side effects and useless for this.

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Thank you so much for your opinion. I will try hard to be better❤️❤️


Thank you so much for your opinion. I will try hard to be better❤️❤️

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Dear Hana, Stress isn't something we can turn on and off but there are relaxation techniques you can try. I think you are right and the tinnitus and vibrations are from the Covid vaccinations. Hopefully these side effects till disappear over time. They are not doing any real damage unless they are affecting your ability to write, play a musical instrument, etc... When mine are very bad my writing is almost illegible. I can still type but using my hands for delicate work is difficult. Tranquilizers do not help. "Nerve" drugs like Lyrica don't help & can do harm. Drs have no idea what is causing them. I think eventually they will link the vaccines to this side effect but it will take time. I wish you the Best of Good Luck.


Hello I am in a group on Facebook and most of these people which were are about 300 of them. We have all had these vibrations within the year. It seems to be an uncontrollable stress reaction to the pandemic. A lot of people are attributing it to their diet regarding histamine. Not sure but I just went away on vacation and mine almost went down to nothing and now I’m home again and they are starting up again. It is very hard to diagnose this condition. I have already been to a cardiologist and a neurologist and my general practitioner with a full work up and they cannot put a diagnosis on this. I am also talking to a therapist weekly. I think getting out to exercise and trying to be somewhat social will help with this condition. I’ve also tried tranquilizers gabapentin and several other medication‘s that do not work. It’s still a mystery and fortunately it is not harming my body that I know of. Other than causing stress when I feel the vibrations and when they are gone I am perfectly calm. They may be a result of Covid directly or indirectly regarding mental status. Hopefully we can all work this out and get back to normal very soon. In the meantime I have gotten my first vaccine after the vibrations and I have not heard anybody saying that the vaccine caused the vibrations in my group. Maybe it is a new mental health problem much like “Stockholm syndrome “was named after the fact that in a hostage situation the hostages started to sympathize with the perpetrators. Just my idea . Try to keep positive and we will all get through this together.❤️


I just filled out a VAERS form to report the vibrations. https://vaers.hhs.gov/esub/index.jsp
I'm not sure how much good it will do, but if enough of us fill out the semi-comprehensible form as best you can and submit it, it may get some investigation. We are all over the USA so there is no way the CDC can monitor adverse reactions unless WE tell them. Cannot get to the CDC directly, must go thru VAERS. I called and was told this repeatedly. PLEASE fill out the form. We may get results if thye receive large numbers of the forms. They will HAVE to address them. Marko82


I just filled out a VAERS form to report the vibrations. https://vaers.hhs.gov/esub/index.jsp
I'm not sure how much good it will do, but if enough of us fill out the semi-comprehensible form as best you can and submit it, it may get some investigation. We are all over the USA so there is no way the CDC can monitor adverse reactions unless WE tell them. Cannot get to the CDC directly, must go thru VAERS. I called and was told this repeatedly. PLEASE fill out the form. We may get results if thye receive large numbers of the forms. They will HAVE to address them. Marko82

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I have a question
My internal vibrations happened after a fall in August 2020 and has made my tremors severe and now can only be upright 30-40 minutes at a time

So my question is did yours start after a vaccination?


I have a question
My internal vibrations happened after a fall in August 2020 and has made my tremors severe and now can only be upright 30-40 minutes at a time

So my question is did yours start after a vaccination?

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Hello Grace,
Yes they did start after the two shots but not until three months after. They didn't start until the beginning of July and I had the vaccine in March and April. I cannot imagine having them so bad I could stand not upright. I am so sorry. Did you have an vaccine before they started?
Have you tried a good quality sports minerals and electrolytes supplement?
I bought capsules on line that help for a few hours. Now have added 30mg zinc. I'm careful not to overdose on vitamins and minerals. They can be as toxic as some Rx meds. If you try some and I do hope they help.


Hello Grace,
Yes they did start after the two shots but not until three months after. They didn't start until the beginning of July and I had the vaccine in March and April. I cannot imagine having them so bad I could stand not upright. I am so sorry. Did you have an vaccine before they started?
Have you tried a good quality sports minerals and electrolytes supplement?
I bought capsules on line that help for a few hours. Now have added 30mg zinc. I'm careful not to overdose on vitamins and minerals. They can be as toxic as some Rx meds. If you try some and I do hope they help.

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Thank you @marko82
I’ve had some tremors sense my 20’s but after the fall they are measurably worse
The last neurologist told me it’s in my genes and acted like he couldn’t talk to Women but would talk to my POA as if I wasn’t in the room. Before he left he looked at my caregiver and said there’s nothing she can do
Except cut off her head and go to
Walmart and get a new one
I was pissed and my caregiver didn’t mind him saying that said he was joking
I thought you don’t joke like that at all to someone that is struggling so bad
Unreal and I’m tired of it all
I bought a head gear that allows me to be up near an hour but I often have a
spell top of my head feels tingly and I sweat but my temperature goes down and blood pressure goes down
The other day it went down to 93.9 temperature when I had a spell and often the sweat is clammy because temp and blood pressure goes so low.

Anyhow after I received the one time shot , I had about 3 weeks of severe body ache and my caregiver was showing signs that he was concerned
leaving me alone.

I normally do not get flu shots because of medication reactions

I hope you get some help yourself and can make headway in the red tape
Of getting recognized with the CDC

Take care


Thank you @marko82
I’ve had some tremors sense my 20’s but after the fall they are measurably worse
The last neurologist told me it’s in my genes and acted like he couldn’t talk to Women but would talk to my POA as if I wasn’t in the room. Before he left he looked at my caregiver and said there’s nothing she can do
Except cut off her head and go to
Walmart and get a new one
I was pissed and my caregiver didn’t mind him saying that said he was joking
I thought you don’t joke like that at all to someone that is struggling so bad
Unreal and I’m tired of it all
I bought a head gear that allows me to be up near an hour but I often have a
spell top of my head feels tingly and I sweat but my temperature goes down and blood pressure goes down
The other day it went down to 93.9 temperature when I had a spell and often the sweat is clammy because temp and blood pressure goes so low.

Anyhow after I received the one time shot , I had about 3 weeks of severe body ache and my caregiver was showing signs that he was concerned
leaving me alone.

I normally do not get flu shots because of medication reactions

I hope you get some help yourself and can make headway in the red tape
Of getting recognized with the CDC

Take care

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You need a new DR. Ask your primary to find out who/where in the USA specializes in your kind of problems and go there. This sounds much more neurological/brain connections than having to do with the vaccine. With the right Dr there might be at least a partial fix for you. A major medical center would have a panel of Drs to review your tests and each bring their expertise to the panel. Sometimes that's what it takes - many brainy inputs.
I've never had a flu shot because it usually mutates making the shot basically ineffective.
I hope you can find a solution and be able to live normally. I wish you the Best Of Good Luck. @marko82


You need a new DR. Ask your primary to find out who/where in the USA specializes in your kind of problems and go there. This sounds much more neurological/brain connections than having to do with the vaccine. With the right Dr there might be at least a partial fix for you. A major medical center would have a panel of Drs to review your tests and each bring their expertise to the panel. Sometimes that's what it takes - many brainy inputs.
I've never had a flu shot because it usually mutates making the shot basically ineffective.
I hope you can find a solution and be able to live normally. I wish you the Best Of Good Luck. @marko82

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I’ve been to 3 hospitals and at Louis refused me and I’m Illinois Medicaid
I’ve been to 4 doctors primary the last one said I had to have a MD so starting all over again
When on Illinois Medicaid there’s a lot not available
I’ve fought the system 9 months and I’m tired
So I deal what every day hands me and that’s all I can do
I need more but living in Illinois there is not help
I so wanted to go to Mayo and one of my doctors wanted me to but the insurance doesn’t cover Mayo

Anyhow bless you and all who have this

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