Serious weather affects everyone!

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Jul 12, 2021

Here are some excellent discussions to remind all of us how to take care of ourselves and those around us.

Heat Exhaustion

- Surviving soaring summer temperatures

- Safety Reminders: Heat Wave, Heatstroke and Hydration

Articles found by #colleenyoung

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Unfortunately, even us far US northerners are dealing with a good deal of heat and significant drought - extremely unusual! Also, we have had many poor air quality days due to fires in Canada and the Boundary Waters in MN. It always smells like we are at a campfire when outside and when dealing with lung issues, it taxes your system. For an area that rarely if ever puts on the air conditioning, we have had it on for most of the summer for heat and keeping the smoky air outside. I feel so badly for all of you who live in the western US, who deal with these fires so often.

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Yes, until the rain washed away a lot of our smoke yesterday, my outdoor hours were severely curtailed. Today it feels fresh, and the sky is actually blue instead of the gray it has been since 4th of July. AC off for the first time in weeks, and airing the house.
Even managed to do the edging in the yard today without a mask or neb.


Serious weather also affects our pets, be they four legged of any type or feathered. Make sure there is plenty of opportunity for shade, breeze, cool water. Light exercise in the coolness of early morning is wise.



I forgot about pets. My kids have dogs….and I notice, when I take them out in the back yard if I am home mid day how they don’t like to stay out too long to do their business especially if it’s sunny. Cloudy days they don’t mind too much. The sidewalk can get very hot for,their unprotected paws so I steer them to the grassy areas.

At this time of year in Florida they are only out on their patio with the fans on if the kids are out also…we would never subject them to this humidity for too long. Sometimes the evenings are not too bad here with the fans on in the evening outside…we get breezes in this area. Me…I’m on my sofa in the evening after dinner with a glass of wine within reach. I know what I need lol.

FL Mary



I have the mid/late afternoon sun coming into my living room, dining/kitchen area so my blinds are tilted or closed. I also have double patio doors off my kitchen which I had tinted when we first moved in. I have semi shear curtains which I generally don’t close until nighttime but sometimes I will during the day if it’s really bright.

Our ACs never go off in Florida for most of the year and we maintain 77 during the day and 75 at night. It’s not a dry heat here so it’s just too humid to turn off. My place is not that big and cools fast and maintains the cool air and doesn’t cycle on and off that much. Also make sure the door and window seals are good and tight. When I am away I just turn it up to 78. Air filters are changed often and we get regular AC tuneups and Freon if necessary. Floridians take good care of their ACs…almost like pets.

Needless to say all our car windows are tinted. Stay cool and calm America and don’t sweat the small stuff.

FL Mary

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@imallears I'm fortunate here I get the ocean breeze most days it only gets really hot between 2-4 but I'm on the south side of the building and Jane to keep my blinds closed most of the day

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