Is it safe to get the Corona Virus (COVID-19) vaccine with PMR?

Posted by ncgal @ncgal, Nov 19, 2020

Just wondering if anyone has found out if it is okay to get the corona virus vaccine once it comes out. I'm 78, so past the 65+ age for early vaccinations, plus having the autoimmune diagnosis. I don't see my rheumatologist for another two months but guess I'll call him to find out if t comes to that. Just thought I'd see if anyone else has found out. I had no problem with the flu shot.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


Helllooo everyone. I have been dealing with a PMR flare up for around 6 mos. It freaking hurts! I was NOT C-19 VACCINATED and not on any PMR medications. My mind was not in a very likable place at this point...not thinking clearly at all. My Rhum. Dr. said my blood markers were normal (recently) and that I don't have PMR....which I know is false, I know for a fact I have it. That Dr. is no longer my Dr....Fired !
Anyways, I was resisting the C-19 vaccine because of the long term unknowns, I didn't need anything else going wrong with my health, I have enough to deal with as it is now. I did some research on how the Vaccine was working out in testing groups and all that stuff, but never found the info that I was wanting to find. So I to put a theory together out of all the info that I did find. IF you haven't received your first dose yet and you are in a PMR flare up, I recommend you get the shot. After I got my first Moderna Vac. shot, within 2 days my PMR symptoms went down around 50% !

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John, I'm so grateful that you posted your experience of having a PMR flare due to fighting the COVID infection, your careful consideration about whether or not to get the vaccine, and then the bonus benefit that the mRNA vaccine actually reduces your PMR flare by 50%.

I have heard anecdotally about this happening to some other members here. I hope that you reported your experience to your rheumatologist so that it can be recorded.

BTW: I moved your messages to this existing discussion called "PMR and Corona Virus (COVID-19) vaccine" so that others talking about COVID-19, PMR and the vaccine can hear your story.

How are you doing today, John? What symptoms of your pre-vaccine PMR flare are you still dealing with?


John, I'm so grateful that you posted your experience of having a PMR flare due to fighting the COVID infection, your careful consideration about whether or not to get the vaccine, and then the bonus benefit that the mRNA vaccine actually reduces your PMR flare by 50%.

I have heard anecdotally about this happening to some other members here. I hope that you reported your experience to your rheumatologist so that it can be recorded.

BTW: I moved your messages to this existing discussion called "PMR and Corona Virus (COVID-19) vaccine" so that others talking about COVID-19, PMR and the vaccine can hear your story.

How are you doing today, John? What symptoms of your pre-vaccine PMR flare are you still dealing with?

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Thank you! To put it bluntly on how i am feeling now is..the 'one shot' pain relief option is now off the table. 🙂
We have to remember that this PMR relief that I did may not work for everyone. We are all different. What may work for me may not work for all, it is a gamble just as any other treatment. I just hope it works for someone. Have a great day !


Thank you! To put it bluntly on how i am feeling now is..the 'one shot' pain relief option is now off the table. 🙂
We have to remember that this PMR relief that I did may not work for everyone. We are all different. What may work for me may not work for all, it is a gamble just as any other treatment. I just hope it works for someone. Have a great day !

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Yes, John, it just shows how different we all are, and how we all respond in our own way.
Too bad VAERS doesn't have a "positive" event reporting option.


Yes, John, it just shows how different we all are, and how we all respond in our own way.
Too bad VAERS doesn't have a "positive" event reporting option.

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Yes,Thank you. But what is VAERS? vets?


Yes,Thank you. But what is VAERS? vets?

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@johnlo - Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS):


My husband 53 years old had the moderne vaccine in April. With in 24 hours he had severe pain in his hips and shoulders , he cannot put on his socks and shoes , is in pain when sleeping and it takes at least 45 minutes in the morning to get moving. His pain has been between a 7-10 since, off and on. He did not have these symptoms before. He did break his femur 30 years ago. His doctor did lab. Tests for PRM. The labs came back normal. He was sent to a orthopedic physician who has diagnosed him with Osteoarthritis of Hips and has scheduled hip replacement surgery in July and to see a masseuse for his shoulder pain. He is taking Celebrex twice a day and his pain is back . They are now offering valium to go with the Celebrex and to stop taking his Crestor . He did have a cortisone shot which last about 48 hours.
We at a loss and looking for some advice . His doctor does not feel the need for him to see a rheumatologist . he has seen urgent care , his general practitioner, the orthopedic surgeon, and has been to our local health department. All feel that the vaccine could not cause PMR . Where do we go from here ?

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Sorry that you’re in this situation. Agree with the advise others have given. Question, do the symptoms abate a bit as the day progresses? That was a key diagnostic tool, as PMR get better as the day progresses, not worse as in other arthritic conditions. I recall how by 5 or 6 pm I could walk reasonably, move about, and think to myself, “oh I’m getting better” and my hopes dashed upon waking the next day to the pained and stiff we all know too well.btw, my blood work did not show the classic markers, we’d rate etc but my doc said nearly 30% of those afflicted do not have the classic markers. Good luck.


Sorry that you’re in this situation. Agree with the advise others have given. Question, do the symptoms abate a bit as the day progresses? That was a key diagnostic tool, as PMR get better as the day progresses, not worse as in other arthritic conditions. I recall how by 5 or 6 pm I could walk reasonably, move about, and think to myself, “oh I’m getting better” and my hopes dashed upon waking the next day to the pained and stiff we all know too well.btw, my blood work did not show the classic markers, we’d rate etc but my doc said nearly 30% of those afflicted do not have the classic markers. Good luck.

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Please get him to a rheumatologist before you have any surgery. I developed GCA two weeks after second Moderna.


Hello @golfbarmie, Thanks for the private message. I thought I would answer it in the discussion on PMR and Corona Virus (COVID-19) vaccine so that you could connect with other members who have similar questions. You mentioned your are searching for answers because you are currently on a low dose of prednisone. For your 1st Moderna vaccine you were on 3mg and had a big flare and jumped up to 7.5. Then came 2nd Moderna, no flare and now you are on 6mg, dropping to 5mg soon. Your question is are you protected from COVID given that you may be immunocompromised. You wanted to know how we can tell and that you are a healthy 75 year old male and feel fine.

Since you have had both Moderna vaccines, if it were me, I personally would feel that I've done all I can to protect myself from COVID and I would feel that I could safely visit with my grandchildren as you mentioned it is important for you to see them. @sueinmn and others may also have some thoughts or information that may be helpful for you to answer your question on being protected from COVID.


Hello @golfbarmie, Thanks for the private message. I thought I would answer it in the discussion on PMR and Corona Virus (COVID-19) vaccine so that you could connect with other members who have similar questions. You mentioned your are searching for answers because you are currently on a low dose of prednisone. For your 1st Moderna vaccine you were on 3mg and had a big flare and jumped up to 7.5. Then came 2nd Moderna, no flare and now you are on 6mg, dropping to 5mg soon. Your question is are you protected from COVID given that you may be immunocompromised. You wanted to know how we can tell and that you are a healthy 75 year old male and feel fine.

Since you have had both Moderna vaccines, if it were me, I personally would feel that I've done all I can to protect myself from COVID and I would feel that I could safely visit with my grandchildren as you mentioned it is important for you to see them. @sueinmn and others may also have some thoughts or information that may be helpful for you to answer your question on being protected from COVID.

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I was on 10mg of prednisone when I hd my Pfizer shots in March. I couple of weeks ago, I had an antibodies test, which indicated few antibodies. Now, I need a third shot and am waiting for the third shot to be approved. My prednisone is down to 8mg.


I was on 10mg of prednisone when I hd my Pfizer shots in March. I couple of weeks ago, I had an antibodies test, which indicated few antibodies. Now, I need a third shot and am waiting for the third shot to be approved. My prednisone is down to 8mg.

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Thanks for the report - that should encourage others who are concerned because they were on steroids or immunosuppressants to talk to their docs about testing and possibly a third dose.

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