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Kate are you saying the Mayo did not contact you about the 3 new bacteria? YOU found them on the report not them? Wow that's a little scary if it's true. Please explain. Thanks, Kay

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Replies to "Kate are you saying the Mayo did not contact you about the 3 new bacteria? YOU..."

@tdrell Wow! That is scary as hell! Medicare will only pay for
mammoograms every two yrs. I had one last yr. as well a few others over the yrs
here locally. I am getting another one done this Tues at Mayo. I just don't
trust the locals here because of the other poor drs in the area. For example, I
saw my local cardiologist for my annual check-up so that I could get my heart
meds refilled. He just asked me how I was feeling. He Never had me up on the
exam table or listened to my heart!!!!

I have Medicare (A and B) and have a yearly mammo at no charge, and it is a 3D one. Last year they found a cyst, so I had to go back for more films. I never paid a dime.

@windwalker Are you sure about only every two years on Medicare? I have been getting them yearly and have one scheduled next week. It also will be a 3-D one.
That's horrible about your cardio doctor. Doctors these days sure are not like they used to be. It really stinks.

@contentandwell Oops!
Just re-read the 2017 Manual for Medicare. You are right, it is every 12
months. Don't know where I had read it differently. Thank you for catching
that. -Terri

I just looked up my Medicare info, you are correct, they will pay for an annual

@windwalker, Terri .. that cardiologist isn't just scary .. he is terrifying!! Get going on finding the best of the least in your area! Do you have ANYTHING like this in your area: http://www.mnhealthscores.org/

Even sometimes Yelp.com or googling the doctor's name can help? I feel for you! BUT if you are getting to MAYO .. what a relief!! Hugs! Katherine

@windwalker, Terri, she chose to have a mastectomy and will be rechecked .. a good cautionary tale. Zero breast cancer in her family .. ONE lump found initially by Mayo .. upon further checking found two more deeper. Only 50 years old but was hopefully caught early enough.. Scary time for our family. Hugs to all! Katherine


Katherine, that is scary stuff indeed! Just glad they caught it.

Katherine, I don't even want to find anybody locally. They all have a bad rap
down here. Even my Mayo doc said he has heard the same thing. I think the local
docs here are in it for the golf.

@windwalker .. YUCK!!!!!!!! What a rip! Yeah for Mayo! Hugs! Katherine