What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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Butterflies. How wonderful the sign of everlasting life to me .They are so beautiful.

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@lsittll I agree. Butterflies have always had a special meaning for me too. And when I went through my bone marrow transplant I couldn’t help but think of the metamorphosis of a monarch. Life on the other side. ☺️


@artist01 Thank you, Laurie. I was so excited to see honey bees! Honesty, it’s been years for me since I’d see any. We’re so cautious to not use pesticides but unfortunately in the city, neighbors all around us kill off dandelions and other plants in their lawns that bees and butterflies love…and kill the bees too! Here at the lake, it’s all natural and we can sure see the difference. They’re free to bee 🐝 ☺️

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@loribmt. HI Lori. I love that - free to bee!! Haha. I love honey bees too but I'm allergic to the little devils. Even so, if one has the audacity to sneak into my apartment's open window (usually at least once a year), I very cautiously capture it with an inverted glass against the window and set it free. I've been stung three times over the years, with the necessary hospital trip, but nowadays I carry an EpiPen. I dread the day when I might have to administer it to myself but so far, so good! P.S. I also love dandelions. I think they're pretty. Still, in city living I had to conform and rid my front lawn of them. Such a shame, for our critical threat of extinction pollen carriers. Good for you, for helping them in the ways that you do. If everyone who could would plant the flora these planet savers need, it would be a huge benefit to their future survival.


I am brand spanking new to this forum but the fact that you are an artist intrigues me. I am thinking of buying a recliner but I seem to bleed money and wanted to ask how you manage any art at all. With sometimes very serious back pain, I am looking for a way to position myself. I can hold the piece in my lap. I have no idea yet when serious fatigue might set in.. You may have addressed this, but being able to draw, adding ink or watercolor to colored pencil seems doable. My studio cannot work. Do you have suggestions for me? What joy to be able to work again. If you need more information, I simply did not wish to rattle on too long.
Many thanks
Carolyn (chaun2947)

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@chaun2947 Hello Carolyn. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I know you'll meet lots of artsy and wonderful people here. My art career slammed to a halt about two years ago, due to some serious health issues. Prior to that, I was actively pursuing my creativity in a wonderful studio, providing four galleries with my paintings, and having numerous exhibitions. I've managed to do only one more commissioned painting since. Ah well. Those were the best of days...!! (I'm 86 now, and have accepted that it is what it is.)
You asked for recommendations for a good recliner. Mine is a La-Z-Boy Reclina-Way #01651Z-C932369. Those numbers Might be a 2 for that first Z and a 0 for that last 6. The salesperson scribbled those two!
I particularly love the way my chair supports my lower back. Feels so good. Hope this helps. Happy painting! (I love watercolor pencils and water brushes too!) Laurie


Hello, Lori. Sooooo beautiful. Love the colors.

My sweet neighbor knocked on my door yesterday and worked on my patio for an hour or so cleaning up dirt mounds from all the last couple weeks flooding, the growing seeds from my birds, and things that can become projectiles. She won't accept any payment! She wants to help, as a neighbor. How dear. This has helped us get to know each other better and given her an outlet to help, given me an opportunity to be appreciative and accept help. Love it. I plan to give her a plant, as she mentioned her patio is barren, wishes it was full like mine! So, I'll get her started...

Bird feeders have a tough time during our rainy season. I did about a half hour cleaning and refilling, half-way. It gets clumpy, moldy, and yucky, and a mess. I put them out with WD 40 on the tops and hangers. Fun and sad to see the squirrels slide down as they work so hard to get that food. Eventually, they've made it to all of them one way or another. I have to get some baffles and someone to put them higher and out on the limbs a bit so they can't stretch from a limb to get the food. I'm determined, but also realize they may beat me!

Rob has an eye infection, took him to Crucial Care again. We're getting to be friends, the staff and us. I'm so thankful for them. They have emergency room ability, CAT scan, X-ray, labs, etc. So helpful to keep us out of the hospital ED, and very competent. just don't want to include in extended family!

PCP today for both of us. Tomorrow, I'll be a Mayo all day for nephrology tests and consult with infectious disease re UTI I'm fighting now and infections this last year. Good thing, but full day. Resting now and tomorrow.

Thank you and all for the support you give me and others. It means so much.
You know, I'm impressed by each of you. You have very challenging and serious health issues and deal with them beautifully, with difficulty as do we all, but with determination and positive outlook. Impressive, my friends.
Bless you all.

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@ess77 Hi Elizabeth! You have no idea what a day brightener this has been with the news of your young neighbor coming over to help!! To think of all the time you felt you needed to fly solo when there was another angel living right next door all along!
Sometimes we just have to allow others to help us! It’s not easy when we strive to be independent and do everything ourselves. But, crikey, it gets exhausting carrying the entire load on your shoulders! I’m so happy you reached out to her and her husband. And i know you are too!

A plant would be the perfect thank you gift for their help if they won’t take payment. We have neighbors like that too and we reciprocate when we can with ways to help them. That’s what great neighbors do for each other. But sometimes if they go above and beyond and we feel the need acknowledge their kindness with a little more… we’ve been known to surprise them with a gift certificate for dinner out, gift card to a home store, etc. Aw, this just makes me happy that you’re getting help!

Poor Rob, he can’t seem to catch a break. Are you both still getting home care? I hope he continues on the upswing though. Heh, I really got a chuckle out of not wanting to make the team at your medical facility part of your extended family. Oh man, I can so relate to that! I had no idea 2 years ago that some of my closest friends would now be my chemo nurses from my months in our hospital back home. A couple of us got to be really good friends socially…and my husband and I joke about adopting one of the nurses. She really could be family. LOL

Good luck tomorrow with all your tests, m’ dear. I know all about those full days at Mayo. We call it being Mayo-naised. I get my turn Monday in Rochester. My day starts at 6:30 and last appt is at 4…

You’re always so cheery and sunny in spite of everything…very inspirational. It’s time for blessings to be returned to you! ☺️


@chaun2947 Hello Carolyn. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I know you'll meet lots of artsy and wonderful people here. My art career slammed to a halt about two years ago, due to some serious health issues. Prior to that, I was actively pursuing my creativity in a wonderful studio, providing four galleries with my paintings, and having numerous exhibitions. I've managed to do only one more commissioned painting since. Ah well. Those were the best of days...!! (I'm 86 now, and have accepted that it is what it is.)
You asked for recommendations for a good recliner. Mine is a La-Z-Boy Reclina-Way #01651Z-C932369. Those numbers Might be a 2 for that first Z and a 0 for that last 6. The salesperson scribbled those two!
I particularly love the way my chair supports my lower back. Feels so good. Hope this helps. Happy painting! (I love watercolor pencils and water brushes too!) Laurie

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Thanks for your wonderful note. I also work with colored pencil. There are many ways to turn pencil into a painterly style, or leave it as pencil. Clearly pencil is a better choice if you have a tilted board in your lap.
I’ve done a little bit of work but not much, in part because selling my house left me without anymore energy. I have the materials, tons of stuff. I don’t know yet if I have the energy. I was playing with a tonal study and felt a far less confident hand. I will have to dive in and find out. I appreciate your information. Where and how to sit is critical. Wish me luck and I’m sending some back to you.


@artist01 @ess77 @jakedduck1 @peach414144 Today just calls for flowers…and a darling little tree frog no bigger than my thumb nail!!

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@loribmt I so love Cosmos!! They are so graceful and soothing. I don't have enough sun to grow them now. thanks.


@ess77 @artist01 @jakedduck1

I love water lilies, as long as they’re not wrapped around my legs when I’m in the water. Shudder… But they were so pretty in the partial sun/shade this morning.

Elizabeth, it’s been several days without news from you! I hope you’re feeling ok. You’re missed!!

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@loribmt reminds me of a Monet painting. Stunning.


@ess77 Hi Elizabeth! You have no idea what a day brightener this has been with the news of your young neighbor coming over to help!! To think of all the time you felt you needed to fly solo when there was another angel living right next door all along!
Sometimes we just have to allow others to help us! It’s not easy when we strive to be independent and do everything ourselves. But, crikey, it gets exhausting carrying the entire load on your shoulders! I’m so happy you reached out to her and her husband. And i know you are too!

A plant would be the perfect thank you gift for their help if they won’t take payment. We have neighbors like that too and we reciprocate when we can with ways to help them. That’s what great neighbors do for each other. But sometimes if they go above and beyond and we feel the need acknowledge their kindness with a little more… we’ve been known to surprise them with a gift certificate for dinner out, gift card to a home store, etc. Aw, this just makes me happy that you’re getting help!

Poor Rob, he can’t seem to catch a break. Are you both still getting home care? I hope he continues on the upswing though. Heh, I really got a chuckle out of not wanting to make the team at your medical facility part of your extended family. Oh man, I can so relate to that! I had no idea 2 years ago that some of my closest friends would now be my chemo nurses from my months in our hospital back home. A couple of us got to be really good friends socially…and my husband and I joke about adopting one of the nurses. She really could be family. LOL

Good luck tomorrow with all your tests, m’ dear. I know all about those full days at Mayo. We call it being Mayo-naised. I get my turn Monday in Rochester. My day starts at 6:30 and last appt is at 4…

You’re always so cheery and sunny in spite of everything…very inspirational. It’s time for blessings to be returned to you! ☺️

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@loribmt and all
Hello, Lori. I've wanted to chat since I read your precious note. It meant a lot to read and feel the love and kindness coming through the computer. You and all this crowd are so very special. Thanks for your constant support. Hopefully, I'll be able to do the same for someone.

Quick update on the patio sage: got a baffle from, Chewy.com, Spending way too much for seed, thanks to my adorable pesky 'tree rats' and the voracious appetites Have you ever stared down a squirrel? I have, as of today. What an experience. I had quite the chuckle as I stood at my patio doors looking out at this little fellow on a limb in front of me, ready to jump onto a hanger with a tube of nice, fresh peanuts and W-D 40. He just sat frozen, staring right into my eyes...and I stared back. We had quite the conversation with our eyes. It was as if he was deciding what I was saying to him, he was sizing me up. Suppose he was, to see if he needed to skee-daddle. It was such a funny moment. I truly have to laugh at myself and these squirrels. I realized today I talk out loud to them. Funny aren't we? A bit nutty, too.

Anyway, I found this 2-way baffle for either pole or hanging and will try it out tomorrow. Wish me luck. I may have a couple of hairy woodpeckers now...trying to decide if they're downy or hairy. I think the tail will tell the tale.

Just got a couple of late test results, the antibody and autoimmune ordered by the nephrologist. Seems I have vasculitis. I'll let you know more after seeing the nephrologist. Not a good diagnosis, but... My PDP put ne on 30mg prednisone a couple days ago, and infections disease doc began Keflex 500mg 2X daily. same dose I normally take with an infection. He wants me to stay on it indefinitely .It all may change in the next days, but that's it for now.

This threw me, I must say, as it wasn't even on my radar. Life keeps on adding more, doesn't it. .I think what matters is obviously how we handle these knocks with a 2X4. I will tell you, I'm back in love with prednisone, again, until tonight. Now, it's after 3 and I'm wide eyed, red/burning/cloudy eyes, and fading in all ways after a very full 2 days. This dose is hitting me now and while I love cleaning the feeders for the birds, cleaning patio window and doors, ordering /putting up groceries, cooking, eating, re-organizing the kitchen and so much more all today, I don't think my muscles will survive much more of this. i pulled a 'Sue' I think. I'll begin tapering tomorrow. I'm glad. But, it'll take a while to settle down.....

Good night, my friends. May you be blessed with peaceful hearts and minds, free of pain and have a healing rest.
So the sage continues....elizabeth


@loribmt and all
Hello, Lori. I've wanted to chat since I read your precious note. It meant a lot to read and feel the love and kindness coming through the computer. You and all this crowd are so very special. Thanks for your constant support. Hopefully, I'll be able to do the same for someone.

Quick update on the patio sage: got a baffle from, Chewy.com, Spending way too much for seed, thanks to my adorable pesky 'tree rats' and the voracious appetites Have you ever stared down a squirrel? I have, as of today. What an experience. I had quite the chuckle as I stood at my patio doors looking out at this little fellow on a limb in front of me, ready to jump onto a hanger with a tube of nice, fresh peanuts and W-D 40. He just sat frozen, staring right into my eyes...and I stared back. We had quite the conversation with our eyes. It was as if he was deciding what I was saying to him, he was sizing me up. Suppose he was, to see if he needed to skee-daddle. It was such a funny moment. I truly have to laugh at myself and these squirrels. I realized today I talk out loud to them. Funny aren't we? A bit nutty, too.

Anyway, I found this 2-way baffle for either pole or hanging and will try it out tomorrow. Wish me luck. I may have a couple of hairy woodpeckers now...trying to decide if they're downy or hairy. I think the tail will tell the tale.

Just got a couple of late test results, the antibody and autoimmune ordered by the nephrologist. Seems I have vasculitis. I'll let you know more after seeing the nephrologist. Not a good diagnosis, but... My PDP put ne on 30mg prednisone a couple days ago, and infections disease doc began Keflex 500mg 2X daily. same dose I normally take with an infection. He wants me to stay on it indefinitely .It all may change in the next days, but that's it for now.

This threw me, I must say, as it wasn't even on my radar. Life keeps on adding more, doesn't it. .I think what matters is obviously how we handle these knocks with a 2X4. I will tell you, I'm back in love with prednisone, again, until tonight. Now, it's after 3 and I'm wide eyed, red/burning/cloudy eyes, and fading in all ways after a very full 2 days. This dose is hitting me now and while I love cleaning the feeders for the birds, cleaning patio window and doors, ordering /putting up groceries, cooking, eating, re-organizing the kitchen and so much more all today, I don't think my muscles will survive much more of this. i pulled a 'Sue' I think. I'll begin tapering tomorrow. I'm glad. But, it'll take a while to settle down.....

Good night, my friends. May you be blessed with peaceful hearts and minds, free of pain and have a healing rest.
So the sage continues....elizabeth

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Elizabeth - AAh steroids, we love them and we hate them! Just tapered off another round, so I have actually had two good nights of sleep in a row - on top of the world this morning, except for the sore body...

Isn't it fun to play with the squirrels? My sister has a slinky on her feeder pole, and every few days a new squirrel tries to climb it, much to the delight of her grandkids. Right now, I have a chipmunk who wants to play in my garden shed, and actually chatters at me when I keep it closed. But I already had a cat trapped in a different shed a few years ago, and I don't want to deal with that mess ever again.

I found out that if I recline (on my patio) for 30 minutes in the afternoon, it helps me unwind from the steroids so I sleep a little better at night.

Have a good day!


@ess77 Hi Elizabeth! You have no idea what a day brightener this has been with the news of your young neighbor coming over to help!! To think of all the time you felt you needed to fly solo when there was another angel living right next door all along!
Sometimes we just have to allow others to help us! It’s not easy when we strive to be independent and do everything ourselves. But, crikey, it gets exhausting carrying the entire load on your shoulders! I’m so happy you reached out to her and her husband. And i know you are too!

A plant would be the perfect thank you gift for their help if they won’t take payment. We have neighbors like that too and we reciprocate when we can with ways to help them. That’s what great neighbors do for each other. But sometimes if they go above and beyond and we feel the need acknowledge their kindness with a little more… we’ve been known to surprise them with a gift certificate for dinner out, gift card to a home store, etc. Aw, this just makes me happy that you’re getting help!

Poor Rob, he can’t seem to catch a break. Are you both still getting home care? I hope he continues on the upswing though. Heh, I really got a chuckle out of not wanting to make the team at your medical facility part of your extended family. Oh man, I can so relate to that! I had no idea 2 years ago that some of my closest friends would now be my chemo nurses from my months in our hospital back home. A couple of us got to be really good friends socially…and my husband and I joke about adopting one of the nurses. She really could be family. LOL

Good luck tomorrow with all your tests, m’ dear. I know all about those full days at Mayo. We call it being Mayo-naised. I get my turn Monday in Rochester. My day starts at 6:30 and last appt is at 4…

You’re always so cheery and sunny in spite of everything…very inspirational. It’s time for blessings to be returned to you! ☺️

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@loribmt, @jakedduck1 , @ess77, @sueinmn and all. Well, I'm in the hospital AGAIN, guys. This time, I've had a heart attack. I think I've posted that news to Sue, (@sueinmn) this week but my brain fog with all these new meds has me wondering. Lori, I started a soulful message to you the other day, but thought better of it and deleted it! Didn't want to burden you with all this.
And Jake would give me heck again. Lol. I've got a beautiful hospital room with an ocean view this time. I'll try to send a picture or two. Hugs. Laur

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