@hello1234 You’re most welcome. I’ve learned so much about the immune system over the past 2 years. It’s vital to our existence and incredible in complexity. It can defend us or turn on us…it’s a fine line.
I can certainly understand your wanting to avoid being overly immuno compromised. It would surprise me if your team isn’t monitoring the Cellcept level in your blood. It might not be directly through the tests you mentioned if they haven’t shown up on your procedures your medical records. But it would include the usual CBC and a chemistry panel of electrolytes, BUN creatinine, glucose, ALT, AST, bilirubin, and amylase, possibly an LDH. Together they will be telltale signs of how well well your new kidney is functioning, check for tissue damage and if there’s any signs of inflammation or rejection. But definitely ask and express your concerns to your transplant team. They are your best source of advice for your personal transplant story.
Do you have monthly tests run? Initially I’m guessing they were more frequent.
Did you have to take any medication for the CMV?
Has your Cellcept been adjusted since the initial dosage at the time of transplant?
Congratulations on that all important and most difficult first year! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed but as time passes you’ll have less concern as you settle into that new sense of normalcy. Things won’t ever be exactly the same as life before transplant, but we have the ability to accept, adapt and move on!
Last week I celebrated my 2nd rebirth day and feeling ‘fabulous dah-ling’…and grateful beyond words. Monday I head back to Mayo for all my birthday tests! LOL There’s a bday gift…full day of labs, tests, biopsies, vaccinations and appointments.😂
My cancer and subsequent BMT tale hasn’t been without some challenges but I can tell you it’s been one incredible journey and every day is a gift. I’m sure you feel the same way! We got a second chance. ☺️
Thank you again Lori for your very insightful and caring response! Yes, I was successfully treated for my invasive CMV infection with 900mg bid Valcyte for 6 weeks. At the same time, Infectious Disease lowered my Cellcept dosage to 500mg bid from 1,000mg bid to give my body a chance to possibly develop some antibodies against the CMV. Now that the CMV is considered resolved, I am concerned about my Cellcept dosage moving forward. I am hopeful that it won't be returned to the full 1,000 mg Cellcept bid moving forward since the neutropenia, leukopenia and elevated liver enzymes have been of concern all along and of course the recent CMV was a major concern. But at the 500mg bid Cellcept, my WBC reached 4.0 this week which is almost in the normal range so I became concerned that maybe my immune system is getting too strong (my Neutrophil Abs was number was 1.2). at 1,000mg bid I am accustomed to seeing a WBC of 2 no where near 4. But maybe 4.0 is not too strong, and is just right.? In other words, I don't know if the current 500mg should be my new Cellcept dosage or not, or 750mg bid...I am trying to educate myself on how this all works and appreciate all of your help!