I don’t know the specific answer to your question. As you’re aware, solid organ transplant patients are on anti-rejection drugs for the rest of their lives and always puts them at higher risk of infections.
Anti-rejection drugs are immunosuppressants. They work by reducing the response from the immune system to reject the new organ. It is necessary to do this life long because the body will always consider the new kidney, liver, heart, etc., an invader.
Can the numbers ever be normal? Compared to the general population not being on immunosuppressants, probably not. But for a transplant patient on the meds, each person’s new normal will be the white count you have with the minimum amount of immuno-suppressant necessary to avoid rejection. You’re not dialing into a specific amount of white blood cells. You will need to take immunosuppressants to some minimal level and your white counts will fall out where they will. This can be different for each person, depending on your own immune system, the closeness of the tissue match of the donor and how aggressive your immune system is towards it. This is a very individual response and can be determined by the transplant team for each person.
What you don’t want to do is use more than necessary. This is where you team should be adjusting the dosage.
I hope this is helpful but bear in mind I’m a bone marrow transplant patient and have no experience in solid organ transplants. However, we share a lot of the same medications and concerns over immunosuppressants
Thank you so much for your detailed response Lori! The information you provided is very helpful to me. Do you have regular lab work that includes Mycophenole Acid test and MPA Glucuronide to determine your Cellcept levels? (One of our wonderful Mayo Connect family members mentioned these tests and I am wondering if they may be helpful to determine the optimum Cellcept dosage for me.). I am going to mention it to my Coordinator, but I was wondering if anyone had any first hand experience with these tests and how they are used? Thank you again for being so caring. I am very happy that I joined Mayo Connect this weekend!