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7% saline continues to deliver.

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: Nov 19, 2021 | Replies (85)

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Hi -
I found Tobi to be immensely irritating to my throat. It was before my 7% days, but for a few weeks afterward, even cold air or drinks above lukewarm were intolerable. This healed after a couple months. Right now, allergies are making my throat miserable, so I had to drop to 3% saline - I'll ramp up by mixing 7% and 3% half and half for a few days before I jump back to full 7%.

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Replies to "Hi - I found Tobi to be immensely irritating to my throat. It was before my..."

That sounds mighty rough. “An ammonia-soaked Brillo pad dropped down my throat.” That’s how I’d characterize my first encounter with 7% saline.

New to this forum & need to ask what Tobi is.

I did the half 7% and half 3% for about 2-3 weeks and now back on 7% full strength twice a day. My voice is back to normal as well. I'm also using the vest once a day simultaneously with my nebbing. Feeling much like my old self again. Thanks so much for sharing your experience. The downside is that now about once a week for the last two weeks I have coughed up the dark brown sputum. Looks like Pseudomonas is trying to come back. We all have to stay strong and keep fighting. Faye