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Low T-Cell - Bone Marrow Biopsy

Blood Cancers & Disorders | Last Active: Nov 15, 2022 | Replies (162)

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I have low white blood cells since 2008 and just found out when I complained of low energy (No more Zumba for me). The new doctor in 2019 (at the time; she has retired) asked me if I knew. I had no ideal!
She arrange for me to give blood work every 3-4 months.
I have taken alot of Xrays, but nothing found. There’s something wrong. I have skin infections, swollen throat glands (ultrasound found a cyst). No discussion of removing and when I took the Pfizer, my shoulder bones/lymph nose was swollen and there were 3 tinder to touch and moveable lumps/bumps on the R/side (in additional to). They’re no longer swollen, but took about 1-2 months.
My question to you is, how painful was the bone marrow? People say its unbearable.
I want it to rule out cancer. No doctors has requested.
I pray no cancer.

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Replies to "I have low white blood cells since 2008 and just found out when I complained of..."

@lmclark I’m sorry you’re having all of these symptoms without getting any answers. It’s frightening and of course our minds initially go to the ‘worst case’ scenario.

However, you’re getting way ahead of the game. You’ve had low WBC for years and if this were cancer, without treatments, things would have progressed quickly by now. So please try and put positive thoughts in your mind as you wait to find answers. I’ve had the ‘worst case’ scenario and I’m alive and healthy! Never give up hope!

Do you have a current PCP where you can sit down and discuss your bloodwork? You mentioned the doctor who set up the blood tests in 2019 has retired but you’re still continuing to have the test taken. Who reads them and are you ever contacted personally with the results?
Have you ever had an appointment with a hematologist. (No, I’m not thinking cancer) A hematologist specializes in blood diseases and would be the next step after a discussion with your PCP.

Having a low WBC reduces your body’s defense against disease so you are more prone to infections and illnesses.
Causes for low white counts can be attributed to a variety of reasons from latent viruses, underlying infections, medications, stress, autoimmune diseases, blood cancers, etc..
Are your other CBC (complete blood count) numbers normal?
These numbers all work together to paint a picture of what’s happening inside your body. It’s difficult to see the whole picture by just looking at your WBC.
Have you been tested for Epstein Barr Virus? It can cause a host of issues such as the symptoms you noted here.

Swollen lymph nodes are a normal body response to an infection or inflammation. It can take weeks to months for the nodes to return to normal. There have been reports of the Covid vaccine triggering such a response but it’s temporary. The fact that your nodes have gone back to normal is a good sign. ☺️

In answer to your Bone Marrow Biopsy question…I’ve had over 12 in the past 2 years. They are not unbearable but if you have the option of being put under a mild sedative such as the one used for a colonoscopy I’d suggest that. If that’s not an option, have your doctor give you a prescription for Lorazapam (Ativan). 1.5-2mg to put you at ease during the brief appointment.

I’ve posted 2 sites below which discuss EBV


Do you have a doctor’s appointment coming up soon?
Wishing you all the best, Lori.

Hi! I’ve had 2 transplants and multiple biopsies. They do gift a lot, but just for a moment. Some friends I know are put to sleep to have it done! All will be well