COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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I hope everyone here who has had their neuropathy flared from the vaccine is reporting to vaers. I have reported to both vaers and Pfizer. After two months from the first shot of the vaccine the burning has just staring to decreased a little bit I’m hoping that it continues to do so.
The muscle pain though has increased.So far the blood test I took didn’t explain my burning( my doctor’s words) one important test still pending. Hope they can figure out what’s going on. Very worried

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You said this is all from your 1st shot, I take it you didn’t y your second shot? As much as I wanted it, I haven’t been able to Bring myself to get my second one. Still Too much burning pain from the first. I hope you are feeling much better by now!


Curious what you ended up doing about your second shot and your outcome if you did get it.

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my life has not been the same - developed erythromelalgia - still waiting for neurology appointment


my life has not been the same - developed erythromelalgia - still waiting for neurology appointment

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Sorry for everything you are dealing with. Still curious to know if you got your second Pfizer or did you do J&J. Hopefully you didn’t get increased pain from it. Feel well soon!


Sorry for everything you are dealing with. Still curious to know if you got your second Pfizer or did you do J&J. Hopefully you didn’t get increased pain from it. Feel well soon!

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both Moderna


I'm close to your age and have neuropathy that was getting worse in recent months. At least that happened BEFORE I had my Covid vaccination or I would surely have assumed a cause and effect. The only problem I had from my first Pfizer shot was a sore arm for a day. For the second, the soreness lasted a week. The pain wasn't that bad and was felt only when I moved my arm. So I, for one, am grateful to have had the vaccinations. Best wishes to everyone.


I am a 59 year old female who has never had symptoms of neuropathy until about 3 days after receiving my first Pfizer vaccine, last December. I did go ahead with the the 2nd shot as scheduled, on the advice of 2 docs. I have had every neuro work up there is, with the exception of a LP, to try to figure out a reason for this sudden onset neuropathy (mostly lower extremity) but nothing makes sense except that it is vaccine related. I do have degenerative disc disease and recent MRI and EMG confirmed that I have radiculopathy (pinched nerves) at S1. It’s reasonable that some of my lower extremity symptoms could be caused by this, but not likely since they literally appeared overnight. My neurologist now hypothesizes the vaccine may have exacerbated the pinched nerves. All I know is that my life hasn’t been the same since I got the first shot. It is bearable and I’m able to do everything that I want and need to do, but I do live with the fear of things getting worse. I have searched the internet regularly for months and feel like I am starting to see more references to neuro problems after vaccine. I just felt this group might be a good place to document what I am going through. I have not yet reported this as an official vaccine reaction because I’ve had so many differing opinions, and many other reasons, but I do plan to.

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How are you doing now? I’m 52 and had same experience. I’m a dermatologist and my symptoms appear to be small fiber neuropathy. Extensive testing negative. Mine is worsening since began 4 days after my 2nd Pfizer. Shaky legs and losing temperature and pin prick sensation hands and feet. Fatigue. Muscles overly tired. If also lost some weight over last 3 months for no apparent reason. Eyes now becoming dry and not sweating on hands. There has been a case report of a 57yo female. That doc said he’s had multiple other physicians contact him about similar cases.


How are you doing now? I’m 52 and had same experience. I’m a dermatologist and my symptoms appear to be small fiber neuropathy. Extensive testing negative. Mine is worsening since began 4 days after my 2nd Pfizer. Shaky legs and losing temperature and pin prick sensation hands and feet. Fatigue. Muscles overly tired. If also lost some weight over last 3 months for no apparent reason. Eyes now becoming dry and not sweating on hands. There has been a case report of a 57yo female. That doc said he’s had multiple other physicians contact him about similar cases.

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@bowerstx so sorry you’re experiencing this. I still have symptoms at almost 6 months out now, although overall slightly better. My issues now are mainly burning in my feet and slight weakness to my right lower leg. I have mild twitching in my right foot at times. Occasionally I have a stinging sensation all over my body. What you’re describing is a little worse that anything I went through, as I never actually lost any sensation. It’s almost as though my sensations have been increased instead of decreased. Has your doc tried any meds to ease symptoms? Mine prescribed Cymbalta, however I wasn’t able to take it due to nausea. I’m not a big medication person anyway, unless I know exactly why I’m taking it. I have another neuro appt in July and I’m looking forward to hearing if he’s had any more cases of this. Best wishes to you and I will be following your progress.


I was wondering if you have any issues with neuropathy with your first shot?

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No, the neuropathy I experience was the same before and after both my shots. The vaccine did not make mine worse in any way. I received my shots in the beginning of March and have not had any lasting side effects. I got both the Moderna vaccines.


I had a pretty bad case of COVID (although no hospitalization) a year ago. Diagnosed Small Fiber Neuropathy flared up big time while I was sick for 5 weeks. Had 1st Pfizer shot this past Sunday. 19 hours after 1st shot, felt like mac truck hit me from behind and ran over me - soon followed with 101 fever, severe body aches, severe fatigue, light headedness, and SFN burning flare - it is now 46 hours later- no fever, some body/joint aches, slight headache but significant SFN burning! Scared to get 2nd shot and scared that SFN will be permanently worse.

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I am having severe burning pain also, now 2 months out. Did you get your second dose? Did it make it worse?


I did Moderna and yes I got my second shot

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