COVID vaccines and neuropathy

Posted by cue @cue, Feb 15, 2021

I am 85 with small fiber neuropathy that is getting worse. My neurologist thought it would be a good idea for me to wait with the covid vaccine and not be first in line to see how it affected other people with neuropathy. Probably because it is a new technology. Has anyone had a problem with neuropathy after receiving the vaccine? If so, which vaccine?

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I did indeed and my physician has reported it to J&J. With no response to date. My GP and now my neurologist both think there could be a connection. Certainly there is a strong correlation. Hard to imply causation without more data

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Wondering if MAYO has seen any other cases like mine????


Ten days after receiving the J&J vaccine I developed neurological issues. my current diagnosis is Guillain Barre but many of my symptoms top not match up with most common GBS symptoms. I am currently in the process of finding a treatment protocol that works (tried IVIG for 5 days without lasting benefit) So far I am finding very little published data of others who have had similar experience to mine.

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@placitan- Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. This must have been a dismal surprise. Did you have any history of autoimmunities? Had you had any gastrointestinal or respiratory infections prior to the GBS?

There is no known cause for GBS at this time.

How are you being treated for your symptoms now?


Ten days after receiving the J&J vaccine I developed neurological issues. my current diagnosis is Guillain Barre but many of my symptoms top not match up with most common GBS symptoms. I am currently in the process of finding a treatment protocol that works (tried IVIG for 5 days without lasting benefit) So far I am finding very little published data of others who have had similar experience to mine.

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@placitan, I had (still have after 6 months) symptoms which resembled GBS after my Pfizer vaccine. But like you, the symptoms aren’t an exact match. I had tingling and burning in both feet & at times my hands & other some areas, right leg weakness, and slight weakness in my arms. Most of my symptoms are better, but as I said, still present. I am interested in what you experienced that led them to treat you for GBS even though they apparently didn’t feel that was exactly what you had. My neuro offered steroids which I declined at the time since I don’t believe in medicating without understanding what’s actually happening. Like you I have also searched for similar reactions and haven’t found much. This forum was the first place I really started seeing connections between the vaccine and neuropathy. Most of what I’ve found here is existing neuropathy becoming worse, or flaring up, but have also found a few others with new onset similar to mine.


Wondering if MAYO has seen any other cases like mine????

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Mayo Connect is a support group for people with a variety of health conditions, sponsored by Mayo Clinics & Hospitals. To learn what is being seen/studied by the staff physicians and researchers, try searching for your specific issue and add the word(s) Mayo or CDC, NIH, Johns Hopkins, etc.


@placitan, I had (still have after 6 months) symptoms which resembled GBS after my Pfizer vaccine. But like you, the symptoms aren’t an exact match. I had tingling and burning in both feet & at times my hands & other some areas, right leg weakness, and slight weakness in my arms. Most of my symptoms are better, but as I said, still present. I am interested in what you experienced that led them to treat you for GBS even though they apparently didn’t feel that was exactly what you had. My neuro offered steroids which I declined at the time since I don’t believe in medicating without understanding what’s actually happening. Like you I have also searched for similar reactions and haven’t found much. This forum was the first place I really started seeing connections between the vaccine and neuropathy. Most of what I’ve found here is existing neuropathy becoming worse, or flaring up, but have also found a few others with new onset similar to mine.

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I did find one report from the NIH of confirmed GBS after the Pfizer vaccine.
I believe it is still considered an extremely rare reaction - lower in incidence than after some of the flu vaccines. IVIG and/or steroids are the standard treatments. I used steroids to call the inflammatory reaction to both flu & Pfizer vaccines. These are short-term boosts for helping the body fight, not long-term prescriptions.


I have idiopathic small fiber neuropathy. I have had both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. I think my neuropathy has gotten worse since having the vaccine. To me, Covid is potentially far worse than the neuropathy, so I don't regret getting the vaccine.


Mayo Connect is a support group for people with a variety of health conditions, sponsored by Mayo Clinics & Hospitals. To learn what is being seen/studied by the staff physicians and researchers, try searching for your specific issue and add the word(s) Mayo or CDC, NIH, Johns Hopkins, etc.

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thanks sue

In reply to @jimbeams21524 "I have had no problem" + (show)

I have had no problem

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Hello @jimbeams21524 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for joining the discussion and sharing that you had no issues.

What vaccine did you have?


Ten days after receiving the J&J vaccine I developed neurological issues. my current diagnosis is Guillain Barre but many of my symptoms top not match up with most common GBS symptoms. I am currently in the process of finding a treatment protocol that works (tried IVIG for 5 days without lasting benefit) So far I am finding very little published data of others who have had similar experience to mine.

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Hello @placitan and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You mention that you have been having neurological issues. Are you willing to share a bit more about what those issues were ten days after and if they've changed at all since?


Specifically I have many classic symptoms of GBS / CIDP I was first diagnosed with GBS 4+ weeks ago and underwent a 5 day regimen of IVIG but after 4 weeks my symptoms have only worsened. Subsequent diagnosis (though not definitive), as of yesterday, is CIDP. Onset of symptoms was 10 days after COVID vaccination (J&J). I am 8 weeks out from initial onset and actively looking for treatment outside of my area (salt lake city) by a physician or group that has a deeper understanding of these neurological disorders and can perhaps give me a definitive diagnosis and treatment.

Happy to share symptoms etc if you are interested


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