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Sleep issues: Son chants 'hi' during the night

Sleep Health | Last Active: May 29, 2021 | Replies (4)

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Hi @pdf, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I added your question to the Epilespy & Seizures group as well as the Sleep Health group as I think members from either group might have some thoughts to share.

It sounds like this behavior of being awake during the night and chanting "hi" for extended periods is a new pattern for your son, correct? While it disrupts yours and his sleep, it seems like he is not upset or distressed. I wonder if there has been something new in your son's life or routine that is exciting for him and is giving him new joy or a new milestone? Might it be something positive that is causing him to wake up and then want to engage by saying "hi"?

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Replies to "Hi @pdf, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I added your question to the Epilespy & Seizures..."

Thank you Colleen for adding this to the seizure thread.
Does your son have Partial (Focal) seizures? Does he ever have Tonic Clonic or Myoclonic seizures?
This is a long shot but I was wondering if this behavior could have anything to do with his medication. Have you considered a medication change?
Has he seen a sleep specialist?
I was wondering if it could be a sleep disorder similar to sleep talking.
Is you son currently having active seizures?
A second Neurological opinion might be a good idea.
I'm familiar with Quadriplegia. What level is your sons Spinal Cord Injury? My Dad’s level was C-5 complete.
Take care,

Hi Colleen and thanks for your response. It IS new behavior (or it was when it started about a year ago.) "Hi" has always been the word he uses to express positive feelings. EG, if someone walks into the room where he's watching an enjoyable music video, he'll say "Hi," sometimes several times. So, yes, you're right - it seems like something positive; the only difference being that he never did it while "sleeping" before. Sometimes he seems to be awake when saying it (like right after the lights go out), but at other times he seems to be somewhere between sleep and awake. Sometimes it becomes almost a chant. He also tries different versions of it; different lengths, projection, pitch, almost like he's doing it in different character voices. It it wasn't keeping everybody awake, it'd be pretty funny. The only thing new that was happening when it started was that it seemed to coincide with the start of covid; quarantine, being home all the time instead of doing his 9-3 day program. I don't know why that would have that effect, but who knows? Thanks again for your thoughtful reply.