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I have just been diagnosed with Cerebral Microvascular disease. I am 76. I know very little about it so I will get educated a bit by reading this page and everyone's experiences. I found out about it a few days ago by having an MRI while trying to find out why I am falling and have loss of balance. It was a cardiologist who ordered the MRI. He didn't really seem to know a great deal about CMD. I am scheduled to see a neurologist, but I couldn't get an appointment till July 26th (its May 11th now) and I have to drive about 100 miles to get to him or her in Portland, Oregon. So I'm trying to find out as much as I can now about what the future holds.

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Replies to "I have just been diagnosed with Cerebral Microvascular disease. I am 76. I know very little..."

Hello @debbic715 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Thank you for joining the conversation and sharing your diagnosis with the community so members can connect and share. I see that @keithl56 has already reached out to share his experience with you.

What are you most in need of in terms of information or support at this time until your July 26th appointment with a Neurologist? How are you feeling overall?