How has Mindful Meditation Practice helped you lower pain levels?

Posted by Roger Landers @skier, May 6, 2021

How has mindful meditation practice help lower chronic pain from graduates of Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehab Center's program? If so, what specific principles were most helpful.

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Chris, you are a remarkable woman. I'm constantly impressed with your depth or feeling and thinking You've helped me so very much since meeting, several months ago. God gave you to me as a true gift, my friend. Thank you for all you do for others and what you've given me that has helped so much. Thank you. Bless you. May you feel well, be well and prosper. Elizabeth

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Elizabeth, your words give me hope that I can continue to have value in this world. I cannot remember being so thrilled at doing a good job or making a super least not until Connect,


I'm doing Physical Therapy again, to strengthen the muscles that hold up the bones in my neck (the bones are weak with arthritis, they are compressing, pinching nerves, and radiating pain into my whole shoulder and upper back). It is helping. I did PT for sciatica last year - the pain went away and they taught me how to hold my posture so that it doesn't return. I also do deep knee bends every night to keep quadracepts strong so I can drop down instead of bending over - my sciatica was caused by bending over with legs straight. When my orthopedist used his plastic model of a spine and showed me what was happening to my back and my neck it made logical sense. Peggy

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@pfbacon, I appreciate your comments. Preforming PT helps keep your muscles strong every if pain remains. Thanks for sharing. @skier


@ess77 Sorry for butting in but I use u tube they have lots of different meditations on there I like and also the re balance your chakra,s

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@ess77, appreciate getting your suggestions. Thanks for sharing. @skier


I took a mindfulness meditation class from Hosp of U of Penn in 2017 and have used it almost daily to help deal with my pain. I usually take one or two 15 or 20 min breaks during the day to lay down and meditate and if I wake at night due to pain. It is an added tool for pain control.


Try to find classes in MBSR, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction. You can actually find out a lot about it by looking up Mindfulness on Wikipedia. It is a practice and once you learn it, you can use mindfulness techniques to keep you in touch with the present. I began working with Patsy 5 years ago and have attended all of her mindfulness retreats. There is one August 5-8 at St. Johns University. She has been my spiritual guide a relationship I treasure.

There are mindfulness classes and workshops almost everywhere. What part of the world are you in these days? If you want to see a bit more, look at Minnesota Mindfulness on Facebook. These practices are based on Eastern Philosophies....if that is important to you.

May you have joy tomorrow. G'night.

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Thanks @artscaping for the information on MBSR. I looked it up. May incorporate with my current mindfulness app practice. Have Zoom interview with Mayo Clinic PRC staffer on Friday for program acceptance. @skier


Thanks @artscaping for the information on MBSR. I looked it up. May incorporate with my current mindfulness app practice. Have Zoom interview with Mayo Clinic PRC staffer on Friday for program acceptance. @skier

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@skier will you come back with an update following your Friday Zoom with the PRC?


@amandajro, I'll try and remember to give update on my Mayo Clinic PRC interview on Friday.


Thanks @artscaping for the information on MBSR. I looked it up. May incorporate with my current mindfulness app practice. Have Zoom interview with Mayo Clinic PRC staffer on Friday for program acceptance. @skier

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My fingers are crossed @skier


For all of those interested in experiences with mindfulness and mindful meditation, I will be happy to share the contact information for the facilitator, Patsy Murphy. She will be leading the retreat in August at St. Johns near St. Cloud, MN. To celebrate, we can come back and walk the meditation trail along the Mississippi. Just PM me with your questions and contact information.

May you be mentally healthy.
May you be physically healthy.
May you have joy.

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