Recovery after an operation

Posted by olympia @olympia, Apr 23, 2021

I watched Linda Wortman's ted talk. She was really an inspirational. She was talking paced breathing after an operation I am resarching a bit more about this . My dad's right lung was removed completely I just wonder if there is anyone who went through similar path? Many thanks

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Hi @olympia,
Thank you for bringing up @llwortman's TedTalk Beating the Odds: Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro with One Lung. Her journey and recovery are nothing short of inspirational. Allow me to post the video of it here:

When did your father have surgery for lung cancer? How is he doing?


We felt so much hope after watching her video. She is an amazing!


Thank you for posting the video. Just what I needed to see!


Good morning Juliette and @olympia. Lung cancer is not always considered a death sentence. My first lung cancer was 23+ years ago. I have had two types of lung cancer, both NSCLC. Although I have never had an entire lung removed I have had 2 lobectomies and 2 bouts of SBRT radiation.
A pneumonectomy (complete removal of a lung) is described here.
How long has it been since your dad's pneumonectomy? How is he doing?


It has been a month now. He feels a bit breathless but doing walk every day.


Thank you for sharing ❤️It means a lot.

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