Let’s Go Walking! Join me for a virtual walking support group

Posted by Becky, Volunteer Mentor @becsbuddy, Feb 19, 2020

Many of you living with cancer or an autoimmune disease, like me, deal with daily fatigue. You know that exercise is so important to your health, but it’s so hard. There’s always an excuse: it’s too cold or hot, it’s going to rain or it’s raining, or it’s snowy and icy, or I just don’t want to. I, too, have all these excuses, but I have a new rescue dog who wants to go out and who doesn’t care about my excuses! And I’ve got traction devices for my boots.Now I just need a walking group who will keep me accountable. People who say, ‘let’s go for a walk.'

And I thought: What about my virtual friends on MayoClinicConnect?

Mayo Clinic has an easy 12-week walking program to get us started! Here’s the link:
- Get walking with this 12-week walking schedule https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/get-walking-with-this-12-week-walking-schedule/

So let’s form a virtual walking group. We can agree to walk every day and encourage each other through Connect. We can walk outdoors, in a mall, or in the red center, or in the hallways of our apartment building.

Who’s in? Who’s going to join me?

Come on, Let’s Go Walking!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.


@artist01, and everyone....Tell me about your medic alarm system you use. I've been on the verge for a couple years, but need more info I can get from some online research, again, but haven't done. So, please tell me your recommendations. I have balance and fall issues, weakness, and other stuff. And, I'm alone most of the day, so am quite concerned of needing help and not able to get it....What do you have? Do you wear something around your neck or clipped on your clothing? Does it go straight to 911? What if you can't talk?

See why I need your input? Thanks for whatever you can share. Blessings and may this night be peaceful and healing. elizabeth

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@ess77 Hi Elizabeth. I'm a strong supporter of personal alarms. I have similar issues as you do, plus, plus!
I live in an Assisted Living seniors' residence now and they provide each of us with an alert that we wear around our necks. I've been living here for four years and have likely pressed my alert at least 6 or 8 times for near- blackouts. The latest event was April 8 of this year,. Two of the staff immediately come to my suite, call an ambulance and I am transported to hospital.
(Stayed 9 days this time.)
Like you, I lived alone in my house prior to living at the seniors' residence. Had an alarm from a private company. Used it several times. Even when I was out cold on the floor, if I didn't answer their real-person response on the 2-way machine, they automatically sent an ambulance. Approx. $25 per month. PLEASE get one. You too, Jake.


Elizabeth, I am so happy that you love your walker! Eleven pounds is the lightest I could find. Ithink this drink holder may be what you're looking for?

Hope so! Warmest wishes, Sunnyflower 😊

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Hello, Sunnyflower. I adore my walker. 11 lbs is the max for me to lift, definitely out of the trunk of my SUV. I keep it in the car to use whenever I go out, mostly to Mayo for appts. I bought a normal, dull, regular rollater in 2919 when recovering from a hospital stay, insisted on red, so they sent a burgundy one.

It actually helped so much. I needed it for a couple of years, but was determined to fight through all the health issues and restrictions my body put on me. I was furious to have to give in and use the walker, but the rehab nurses/docs wouldn't let me go home w/o it. I thought I was giving in to weakness, that I had to be strong. So began my long journey toward learning acceptance. The first steps to that healing were taken with a walker.

I couldn't lift it at all, so it stayed in the car and I used the valet parking at Mayo. But, when I needed to use it other than Mayo, I couldn't lift it out. So began my search for a lighter version. You see, I really do love it. It brings me joy, I smile each time I see it. It is a symbol of my growth and healing, of acceptance of this body as it is, but determination to take each step head up and happy, I am happy.

Thanks for giving me this fun gift of joy! Blessings, I pray you have a night of peace, free of pain and know you are loved. elizabeth


@ess77 Hi Elizabeth. I'm a strong supporter of personal alarms. I have similar issues as you do, plus, plus!
I live in an Assisted Living seniors' residence now and they provide each of us with an alert that we wear around our necks. I've been living here for four years and have likely pressed my alert at least 6 or 8 times for near- blackouts. The latest event was April 8 of this year,. Two of the staff immediately come to my suite, call an ambulance and I am transported to hospital.
(Stayed 9 days this time.)
Like you, I lived alone in my house prior to living at the seniors' residence. Had an alarm from a private company. Used it several times. Even when I was out cold on the floor, if I didn't answer their real-person response on the 2-way machine, they automatically sent an ambulance. Approx. $25 per month. PLEASE get one. You too, Jake.

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OK, @artist01, I begin the search for the best system in the morning. It's past time and you're spurring me on to get it done. I suppose this is another instance of my resistance to these body/health issues. I've been fighting to be 'normal', to be strong and refuse to allow my health issues to beat me. Well, this is another acceptance step! Doggone it! Keeps coming, eh?

I think I'm doing so well and dealing with it all, then realize it's an on-going change in lifestyle, change in basic thinking about myself. I will take care of myself, as I am now.

I surely hope the doctors figured out what the dickens is happening to make you black out so often. I've had some of those episodes, caused by hormonal imbalance causing blood pressure problems and not allowing my body to adjust properly. Some of the same hormones cause a dehydration problem at times, so as I'm learning, it's so much a balancing act with this body. Sounds like you're in the best place ever and have excellent help. So glad.

Blessings, may you rest well and awake with joy in your heart, a bit of a 'bounce' in your step - elizabeth


@jakedduck1 Aaaww, Jake, so good to hear from you! No, it wasn't just an overhaul and they pretty much shut down all my electrolytes, etc., and everything else, with their !@#%*! preps, (3) etc. The doc says It's going to take a few weeks to find my sea legs again. Like we all say, it is what it is. But I'll be on top of it again soon, and certainly ready for your 108th birthday!!

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love those preps!!!! elizabeth


Hello, Laurie. Yep, I do love that walker. I looked long and hard for something that made my statement about life and being forced to use a walker!

Finally, thanks to @sunnyflower who had just gotten this one. It is a bit smaller, lighter, easier for me to handle and get in/out of car. I keep it in the car since it's light enough for me if I need it.

It really is hot pink, with a Zebra black/white striped bag and seat. I'm still looking for a bottle/drink holder to attach that will fit. Have one on the other walker I have, but not found anything to work yet. I use the basket pockets for sunglasses, water bottle, stuff. A very good thing.
Blessings to you and hope every day is better that the previous day....elizabeth

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I bet you look like a movie star going down the street in your hot pink walker but be careful using it. I fell more than once using one. I found crawling on my hands and knees safer. My dizziness? & double vision came back the day after I missed my Neurologist & Ophthalmologists appt. Wouldn't you know. Why is it you always feel fine the day you go to the doctor. I hope your balance is good or at least better than mine.
Take care of yourself And take care of yourself and those walking aids. Do you end up eating me and falling more than walking.


Didn't Shasta erupt recently, in last several years, at least last 20 years? I remember something about it unhappy...you have a great spot, not far from interesting places. And, it seems, Leonard, you take advantage or that! Good for you...blessings, elizabeth

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The last time I know that it erupted was in 1786. Maybe you.u’re thinking of Mount Saint Helen in Washington that blue in 1980. It was the most powerful volcano ever in the United States. Although no one can tell when it’s going to errupt again I don’t think it’s expected to blow for another 600 or so years and they are expecting it to erupt on the opposite side of Mount Shasta giving me a little more time for me to you get up there to rescue my cousin. i’d like to know how they make those predictions. But just in case it blows sooner but it better happen soon I don’t have all that much time left.


@jakedduck1 And further, to complete my long-winded response, Jake, I'd had no less than THREE preps in as many days for a colonoscopy/CT Colonography, with no food all week, severe diarrhea, etc. Lost all my electrolytes, WBC, Neutrophils crashed, etc., and now it's taking so long to recuperate. The first prep was at home. Ambulance, etc.
2nd at hospital with a prep error so had to have a third. Trying to get back to food tolerance, stamina, etc. And that's why I'm blacking out these days! XOXO 😘

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It sounds like you are having to pull yourself out of some very difficult times. Hard to keep some stamina and get back to a good nutrition point as well. Go slow, perhaps eating small amounts of food or even broth more frequently could help.
Keep reaching out, we are here.


OK, @artist01, I begin the search for the best system in the morning. It's past time and you're spurring me on to get it done. I suppose this is another instance of my resistance to these body/health issues. I've been fighting to be 'normal', to be strong and refuse to allow my health issues to beat me. Well, this is another acceptance step! Doggone it! Keeps coming, eh?

I think I'm doing so well and dealing with it all, then realize it's an on-going change in lifestyle, change in basic thinking about myself. I will take care of myself, as I am now.

I surely hope the doctors figured out what the dickens is happening to make you black out so often. I've had some of those episodes, caused by hormonal imbalance causing blood pressure problems and not allowing my body to adjust properly. Some of the same hormones cause a dehydration problem at times, so as I'm learning, it's so much a balancing act with this body. Sounds like you're in the best place ever and have excellent help. So glad.

Blessings, may you rest well and awake with joy in your heart, a bit of a 'bounce' in your step - elizabeth

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@ess77 Elizabeth, you've made my heart sing this morning. Get on with your Medical Alert research, and then, don't procrastinate. Order it today. Laur


It sounds like you are having to pull yourself out of some very difficult times. Hard to keep some stamina and get back to a good nutrition point as well. Go slow, perhaps eating small amounts of food or even broth more frequently could help.
Keep reaching out, we are here.

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@jude07 Thanks so much, Jude. I'm feelin' the love. Your comments are so true. Nailed it! X0


love those preps!!!! elizabeth

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@ess77 Lol, Lol. But NOT three in a ROW! Lol

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