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@donnacarp, @migizii, @lioness, @artscaping, @sueinmn and all....This is something I've experienced and it's awful, a really tough way to wake up and for me I had nights of hours of cramping. Do you have any idea what's causing this issue? Have you seen a doctor about this? The cramping I had and still occasionally have, was caused by low potassium levels in my blood, and some other wonky blood levels. It's not something to play around with....it can indicate a serious underlying issue causing the problem that may be a symptom your doctor needs to help you address.

FYI: I have hormone problems that cause my potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and other levels to run low. Once we identified that issue and put me on a replacement med for aldosterone, I am much better. I use Voltaren creme on my legs and feet when they cramp, or back which can also lead to leg cramping. You can get voltaren over the counter now and it might help get through until you get to the doctor. The salt baths are wonderful, and since you do take them, I suppose you can still get in and out of the tub. That's wonderful! I can't and it would only be a lovely temporary help at best, like it sounds like it is with you.

Suggestion, tomorrow, if you haven't seen your doctor, call him and get his advice. That's number one. Secondly, drink plenty - a reasonable amount - of water daily, not too much. Too little or too much can cause you problems. So, like Goldilocks, just right.

Eat fresh bananas, fruits, and then get yourself a real diagnosis.

Let us know what happens.....You are connecting with folks who may have similar experiences, but very different bodies and very different issues causing what's happening. So, don't depend on anyone but take control of yourself, you find the answers beginning with your doc.
Sounds like a plan? You'll get a bunch of suggestions in a few minutes from some very wise folks.....
Blessings, may tonight be free of the cramping and you rest. Elizabeth

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Replies to "@donnacarp, @migizii, @lioness, @artscaping, @sueinmn and all....This is something I've experienced and it's awful, a really..."

@ess77 Hi Elizabeth I found that my iron was low so added iron to my pills also make sure to drink alot of water 64oz is recommended a day. For instant relief I drink a couple of swallows of Dill pickle juice I think it's the vinegar in it that does the trick. Hot washcloth over area .All good tips