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Getting off of Seroquel

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Nov 16 4:15pm | Replies (724)

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I am also decreasing my seroquel but have never had a manic episode so not sure how this information and the risks would feel different for you. I am feeling a lot better now that I am on week 3 of 75 mg if seroquel (down from 100) but the withdrawals at first were brutal. I felt like I couldn’t stop talking, was very anxious, and had racing thoughts. I saw a naturopath about it and these were her suggestions:

“In reviewing strategies to help with Seroquel wean I came across an
alternate wean schedule:

Once under 100mg decrease dose by 10mg every 2 weeks.
Under 20 decrease by 5mg for 1-2 weeks.
At 5mg dose every other day for 2 weeks and then every 3 days for 2
weeks. Then off.

This schedule would make your wean go slower, but it may mean less side
effects when you go down each level. It's possible to see if the
compounding pharmacy can make the smaller doses. This may be something
to consider.

I also found that any strong stimulants for the adrenals are
contraindicated during Seroquel wean. This would be adrenal glandular,
and even some ginsengs. Instead, it is best to focus on supportive
nutrients and calming herbs.
Vitamin C and B complex (especially B5 + B6) are cornerstones. You'd aim
to get vitamin C 2000mg (divided doses, 1000mg twice per day) and
consider a good quality B Complex that provides 100mg B6 and 300mg B5
(the AOR Advanced B Complex has these amounts in 3 caps, you may be able
to find it at the health food store, order it online, or let me know and
I can put it in with our next AOR order).

We also have a remedy called Passifloraplex that is used to help with
calming. You can take drops daily or just dose as needed if you feel
anxiety or overstimulation.”

I’m not sure how to get that wean cycle- my pills only come in 25 mg but I will speak to my pharmacist and psychiatrist to see what the other options are so that I can follow this wean schedule. I am also going to try a B-complex and upping my vitamin C to her recommended dose.

Hopefully this helps us both decrease our dosages now that we are under 100 mg.

Take care

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Replies to "Hello, I am also decreasing my seroquel but have never had a manic episode so not..."

Folks need to stop worrying that a taper is going too slow. That’s the best thing. Tapering is not a race. It’s all about getting through one with the least amount of withdrawals.

Hi. I haven’t posted on this site yet, but was noticing your peace on Seroguel. I just started taking it because I wasn’t sleeping. I was assured by my psychiatrist and also by looking in the text by Stephen Stahl that this drug is not habit-forming.

Your peace and others in this line of conversation discuss the difficulty in tapering or pulling back from use. My question is who am I to believe! Shall I believe my doctors and experts psychopharmacologist or people who actually take the drug and have the effects and difficulty weaning.

I also wondered why one would want to taper off them what are some of the reasons that we have and can share with others.
Thanks a lot,