Recipes, Food Tips, Healthy Eating & More

Posted by Debbra Williams, Alumna Mentor @debbraw, Feb 22, 2019

Some of the members of the Gratitude Discussion Group were interested in having a place to share recipes and food ideas. I’m hoping that we can use this thread as a place to have that kind of discussion. I’d love to hear your ideas for quick meals, comfort food, healthy snacks, and more.

Personally, I’ve just been through a bad reaction to one of my medications that left me with a very queasy stomach. I would love to hear ideas – or recipes – that might be used when you need to get something on your stomach, but don’t want to overdo it.

Hopefully, this thread will even be a place where we can share recipes for special treats and yummy rewards. It doesn’t always have to be healthy!

I’d love to hear from members who have been part of other discussions AND from new members who have good ideas, recipes and food tips to share. I’m excited to see who might start us off here with an awesome food suggestion!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Just Want to Talk Support Group.

Need progress report on Jakeware?

I cooked steak strips last night and they got a bit overcooked and so I put some water in the pan on the stove and it all evaporated fire alarm goes off smoke everywhere. got rid of smoke (had a lot of experience) and did it all over again. I tried again and and turned fire as low as possible and got up this morning and fire was still on. Pan in garbage.

Any suggestions on a good super nonstick pan? I have mostly Calphalon cookware. Not as simple to clean as they claim, at least not the way I cook.


Need progress report on Jakeware?

I cooked steak strips last night and they got a bit overcooked and so I put some water in the pan on the stove and it all evaporated fire alarm goes off smoke everywhere. got rid of smoke (had a lot of experience) and did it all over again. I tried again and and turned fire as low as possible and got up this morning and fire was still on. Pan in garbage.

Any suggestions on a good super nonstick pan? I have mostly Calphalon cookware. Not as simple to clean as they claim, at least not the way I cook.

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You left a pan on low on the stove overnight? Don’t tell me you really did that. Of course the water evaporated...cold water on a hot pan which was probably turned up too high anyway. If you need to add water...take the pan off the heat and drizzle water over the pan slowly.
All Clad is suppose to be the best although I don’t have any. I use a variety of skillets and pans that I pick up at Home Goods. My 2 favorites are made in Italy and both heavy speckled non stick pans.
The one called Bararini can be put on high..the other one Iuse on low to medium and I think it was called Mopito.

I also have a T-fal and a small cast iron skillet that I use for steak....and that is not easy to clean. I have also used the smaller Bararini one for steaks on high.I go by the weight of the skillet rather than the brand when I purchase pans. I have had good luck with the heavy speckled ones from Italy and they are inexpensive. For you, I would not spend a lot of money...they are cheap enough to replace. Look for heavy speckled skillets made in Italy if you have a Home Goods or maybe Target has them. And be careful

I have had a set of 3 Farberware aluminum pots for probably over 40 years that I have burned food in many times with no damage to the surface. I have thrown Calphalon out after not so many uses. So many of these low or medium priced skillets are not made for high heat so go easy. Get a small indoor grill for your steaks...I have one that is non stick and can reverse to a griddle. Of course you have to clean the grill a little harder. Or just try one of those heavy weight Italian speckled ones. I happened to like them.

I also have my mother-in-law’s heavy weight aluminum roasting pan that you just cannot has to be 60 years old and a breeze to clean. They don’t make them like that any more.

There may be others here who swear by their favorites. Bararini is on Amazon.

FL Mary


“I feel like the cooking channel.”
So what exotic creations are we having today? Frog sashimi perhaps with the heart still beating or maybe your in the mood for some tuna or walrus eyeballs and some octopus ice cream for dessert.
selection. I probably could find an appropriate vino selection but will leave that to you.
Bon appétit,

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Although I would not eat anything still alive , the octopus ice cream sounds interesting. I doubt there is frog sushi.

Dinner is enough for 2 tonight and all in one oven pan on parchment paper. I cut up two chicken sausage into cubes and start cooking that in a 400 oven and then proceed to cut up a red potato different colored baby carrots and some organic cauliflower, peppers and onions....or whatever is on hand.

I tossed all with EVO and S and P and whatever other seasoning I feel like...usually sprinkle on some paprika and tumeric.
Put those in the same roasting pan and toss the already started sausage together with the veggies and roast stirring once or twice for maybe a half hour...any vegetable that doesn’t take as long like cherry tomatoes or fresh spinach I mix in closer to the end.

Lift all up in a bundle of parchment paper and dump into a large container and eat half one night. One pan just rinsed with soap and water. I am a big fan of parchment paper.. Easy Peezy and very tasty. You can overlook this dish and it still tastes good.
Our Publix sells Greenwise chicken sausage but any sausage will do.

And any type of vino goes with any type of food...I really don’t care.

The way I do steak now is to start with putting the steak on a cold pan and cook on high for 2 or 3 minutes...turn to medium, flip and cook additional 2 minutes...flip again if necessary depending on the thickness. I test with the meat thermometer while it is in the pan. I get no smoke this way and the steak has a beautiful sear on each side. Got this from the cooking Channel and it is now my preferred way of doing steak without setting the smoke alarm off. I do this on my smaller Italian Bararini skillet......easy cleanup.

Boy does my family talk about food.

FL Mary


“I feel like the cooking channel.”
So what exotic creations are we having today? Frog sashimi perhaps with the heart still beating or maybe your in the mood for some tuna or walrus eyeballs and some octopus ice cream for dessert.
selection. I probably could find an appropriate vino selection but will leave that to you.
Bon appétit,

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@jakedduck1 Walrus eyeballs? How about some Rocky Mountain Oysters? I've actually served those, I rolled them in breading and fried them. We tried them in college.


@jakedduck1 Walrus eyeballs? How about some Rocky Mountain Oysters? I've actually served those, I rolled them in breading and fried them. We tried them in college.

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When I come to dinner we’ll go out if it's all the same to you.
Your palette is too adventurous for me.


@jakedduck1 Walrus eyeballs? How about some Rocky Mountain Oysters? I've actually served those, I rolled them in breading and fried them. We tried them in college.

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I love oysters lightly breaded and sautéed and also oysters Rockefeller. We will go out and drop @jakedduck1 off at Willie Wonkas.

FL Mary


I love oysters lightly breaded and sautéed and also oysters Rockefeller. We will go out and drop @jakedduck1 off at Willie Wonkas.

FL Mary

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And I'll come pick you two up and take you to the hospital to get your stomachs pumped.



Talk about stomachs.. I am trying to imagine you let loose in a Willy Wonka chocolate factory.

FL Mary



Talk about stomachs.. I am trying to imagine you let loose in a Willy Wonka chocolate factory.

FL Mary

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@imallears @jakedduck1 Rocky Mountain Oysters are a delicacy, one must know a farmer to get the key ingredient. Hogs are castrated in order to grow better meat for market, and we would celebrate with some oysters.

Iowa is the top pork producing state!

My family had a farmer in it, he loved to tease people with his oyster recipe! I live driving distance to the Mayo Clinic Rochester 🙂

Today, I rushed out and grabbed a bottle of wine, some parsley, and my scallops are still frozen! I'll' have to eat a sandwich tonight and cook the Scallops Provençale tomorrow.

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