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High platelet count: What does this mean?

Blood Cancers & Disorders | Last Active: Feb 11, 2023 | Replies (95)

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My husband has been having high WBC for almost a year ( routine blood test ) He saw a hematologist... he did blood work and told him he had the JAX2 gene mutation. Dr said he may always have a slightly high WBC but nothing can be done. If it got worse, then he would order a bone marrow biopsy. He told him to return in 6 months. I decided to ask his family Dr to repeat the blood work in 3 months.. WBC was 17 and this time his platelets were high too .. 1 million. Now the hematologist put him on Hydroxyurea ( 500 mg X 2/day ), a baby aspirin and ordered weekly blood test for the next 5 weeks. The Dr changed his mind about the bone marrow test.. he said since we know that this is all coming from the Jax2 gene , it is not necessary. THOUGHTS?

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Replies to "My husband has been having high WBC for almost a year ( routine blood test )..."

Thanks for the question. If the diagnosis is clear without punching around in the marrow, the avoided procedure is no fun to endure.
I have a 1.4 Million platelet count and take 325 msg of aspirin daily for 3 years to thin the platelets. I am considering Hydroxyurea to kill off the cells and JAK2 genes that produce platelets. The Moderna vaccine jacked up my platelet count from 1.2 million to over 1.4 million. I hope this helps you.