Cerebellum Atrophy
My husband has been diagnosed with cerebral atrophy. Is there anyone with similar diagnosis? In January of 1915 he was given 3 to 4 years to live.
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Dear Oldkari, I am sorry that you are having such a hard time, me too. Alex
Somehow, I got lost on this site! Yesterday, I had an MRI, and the folks there were not very nice, anyway for the headaches and such. Alex
Hi Alex, I'm glad you found your way back. I'm sorry that you had a rough experience with the MRI yesterday. How are you doing today?
@alexgoldman2 Let me know how the MRI results work out for you. Speaking of headaches, I tried my tea differently this time. I was so happy it helped. I put my tea in a tea ball which I let sit in 6 ozs of hot water. I never removed the tea ball. I slowly sipped on the herbal tea. Within a couple hours my headache was completely gone. I am glad to hear coffee works for you. I love the taste of coffee but after several months of no relief with the headaches I gave it up. My headaches then were twice weekly. It was awful. I had discovered caffeine did not help with my neuropathy either. I manage to drink decaf coffee and black tea now. Do you suffer from muscle weakness? A supplement did help me but since it was an acid I thought it was causing a burning sensation in my stomach. Now I know it wasn’t the supplement. I also have double vision from my AVM but have found a surgical solution. I am hoping most of my motion sickness is caused by the double vision. It really limits my activities. Soon I hope to be able to do more. Wish you well in finding more answers. Toni
Dear amcbellar, I've never drank coffee, you must mixing me up with someone else. i had a terrible headache yesterday, and the tea didn't help, nor did Tylenol, only time, 2 hours, seemed to have any affect. The center of the headache is the cerebellum. Sure, I'll et you know what the MRI shows, as sooon as I find out.
I had terrible headache yesterday, nothing seemed to work, except time. i'll let you know what the MRI showed when I know.
I am sorry @alexgoldman2 for the misunderstanding. I found my last trial worked the best for me which was to place one serving in the tea ball and let it steep for several minutes in hot water. In fact I never removed the tea ball from my cup. I sipped the hot tea slowly without sugar or milk. Did you try the bag of ice on your head? It didn’t take the headache away for me but it did decrease the intensity. That was a big help so I could at least sleep. Tylenol offered no relief at all. I hope you get more information through the MRI results. Did your doctor suggest a pain medication for your headache? Mine did but I refused to take a painkiller. Toni
Hi Toni, I haven't heard about the MRI yet; the headaches are in the cerebellum and nothing seems yet touch them. Alex
I, Alex, have the same diagnosis; the Medical world has yet to wake up to this problem
Well the MRI was non conclusive. Huh? But the nurologist found that the nerves in my feet are not functioning properly; one thing after another. I received a tens unit or my ankle. We'll see.