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Hello, Kate

What a coincidence that my first name is Katherine/Kathy. I was just diagnosed with MAC, found out via a phone call from my Mayo doctor last night. I have been coughing for over 14 months and I just kept trying to get someone to tell me why..... Now that I have the diagnosis, what do I do? My first reaction was to try to get more information and that is how I stumbled across your posting. My doctor, Dr. Mullen at Mayo in Rochester, is a very nice man and he explained that some of the side effects of the treatment can be worse than the disease. So, I rejected the idea. When I saw your post saying that the reality may not be as bad as the hype, it gives me a different perspective. Would you be willing to share more of your experience with me? The doctors can only tell you what the books tell them unless they have had a patient who has gone through the process. Even then, different folks can have differing reactions. I am a 58 year old, recently retired (in part due to the coughing with the embarrassing results), I am overweight so the shortness of breath was attributed to that.....

Thank you, Kathy

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Replies to "Hello, Kate What a coincidence that my first name is Katherine/Kathy. I was just diagnosed with..."

Irene5...and Crude!!!

Jen, I hear you. I have intentionally not traveled to Africa , Thailand, and a
few other places because of the weird crap you can pick up, i.e. elephantitis,
and that other one you can get from dung beetles, etc. I have watched "The
Monster Inside Me", a show about mycobacteriums, and strange parasites picked up
in foreign countries. My immune system is so weak, that I feel like I'd be a
target in a strange land. People DO come back from travels abroad with
illnesses that drs here are dumbfounded by.

Jo Ann, I had GERD for years without a dr ever suggesting that I may have it.
(these were pulmonologists who should have been aware that this is common with
many COPD diseases.) I would often complain to my drs that my throat burned
constantly and they never even took notice. It wasn't until I went to the Mayo
that they listened, took a scan and sure enough, I had esophageal erosion going
on! From acid reflux! It is not that uncommon, so it really pissed me off that
it went undetected or treated for so long; even though I complained about

Jo Ann, I am a carrier for that gene. YES! There is a connection. They haven't
figured out exactly what that connection is. I want to go to an institution that
is HIGHLY SPECIALIZED in that field. I spoke with a Dr. who does specialize in
Alpha-! at the D.C. Conference this past spring about it. I asked her about
correlations with that gene. She said yes, it is known that 'carriers' can 
and do get just as ill as full blown ZZ people. Because that info is still 'off
label', so to speak, there is not enough scientific studies yet on that. But,
they have a lot of 'carriers' like myself that are in dire straights concerning
their lungs. - Terri M.

@jkiemen are
you a carrier of the Alpha-1 gene?

@unicorn Great
advice Crista.

@boomerexpert LOVE WHAT YOU SAID!

 @tdrell She really could!

@tdrell Terri, I was up until 1 a.m. last night watching National Jewish
videos, and others. It has been common belief that NTM is not communicable, but
they are starting to have doubts about that now.

Jkiemen...NJH told me in January that CAT scan showed no bronchiectasis or active NTM infection. The 3 sputums done there at 8 weeks showed no MAC. Based on long history of. GERD , and an esophagram that showed food stuck in my esophagus...slow motility.
Their conclusion was that I Was silently refuxing water etc into my lungs during day and at night.and since The tap water here in SE Wisconsin contains NTM hence i aspirated it into my lungs ......and it was seen upon bronchoscopy.
I was told at NJH to follow GERD Precautions....
Limiting fluids during day....especially in evening ....no more than 2-3 ounces with dinner....,no eating or drinking 2-3 hours prior to sleep....sleep with
head of bed elevated 40 degrees...never sleep on right side or back....
The list of food not to eat...no fried foods...no caffeine or citrus....no peppermint or spearmint...etc
As far as water.....i buy bottles of spring water....thats what i drink at home....iwhen my freezer has room...i will make spring water ice cubes...when out...i drink regular water