Hope with Hashimoto's

Posted by KateInHawaii @kateinhawaii, Nov 3, 2011

This is a growing malady world-wide. It is not easy to treat and reason for discussion on this board with anyone who has it.

Personally, I've probably had a thyroid/adrenal issue for a long time, but standard labs never uncovered. After a very stressful period in my life, I developed either anxiety disorder or adrenal fatigue, eventually leading to recent diagnosis of Hashimoto's (auto-immune disorder: antibodies attacking thyroid). My symptoms are fatigue, anxiety that leads to depression, hoarse voice, sore thyroid, high anitbody reading.

I'd like to know where folks have found any kind of relief or any educational material they want to share. I've gotten a recent publication, "Hope for Hashimoto's" by Haskell, that I suggest anyone with Hashi's read.

Hope this will spark a dialogue.

Aloha from Hawaii

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Hi Kate: My name is Rose., I was diagnosed in 2000 with Graves Disease. I have the Hyperactive thryoid condition. My blood is constantly changing and my T4 and T3 get checked every 6 months by my primary care doctor.
When I was diagnosed it was scary, and I had no idea how to adjust too this diagnosis. It took lots of reading and speaking with doctors to figure out what exactly my body was doing.Every day is different for me and even more so now. In 2014 I was diagnosed with a 3.5 centimeter tumor in my left inner ear and pushing on my brain stem. i had Brain surgery March 10, 2014. I now have imbalance issues and needed to adjust my exercise routines or I end up on the floor, or just falling over. I have recently started running , but that took 6 months before I could run 10 feet without feeling like the world was tilting.I have been using a product called THRIVE and its been a blessing for me. Its brought back some of my balance and I stay focused more and I have energy where before using this product I felt drained because of my Graves disease. I sleep better and I am starting to do a little more every day. My blood levels with THRIVE are steady, and I've been able to keep a steady weight instead of bouncing all over the charts.I feel more positive than I did a year ago, and I just met my 2 year anniversary having had Brain surgery.My last labs at my doctors were good and she is very positive I'm doing better since the THRIVE.


Hi Kate: My name is Rose., I was diagnosed in 2000 with Graves Disease. I have the Hyperactive thryoid condition. My blood is constantly changing and my T4 and T3 get checked every 6 months by my primary care doctor.
When I was diagnosed it was scary, and I had no idea how to adjust too this diagnosis. It took lots of reading and speaking with doctors to figure out what exactly my body was doing.Every day is different for me and even more so now. In 2014 I was diagnosed with a 3.5 centimeter tumor in my left inner ear and pushing on my brain stem. i had Brain surgery March 10, 2014. I now have imbalance issues and needed to adjust my exercise routines or I end up on the floor, or just falling over. I have recently started running , but that took 6 months before I could run 10 feet without feeling like the world was tilting.I have been using a product called THRIVE and its been a blessing for me. Its brought back some of my balance and I stay focused more and I have energy where before using this product I felt drained because of my Graves disease. I sleep better and I am starting to do a little more every day. My blood levels with THRIVE are steady, and I've been able to keep a steady weight instead of bouncing all over the charts.I feel more positive than I did a year ago, and I just met my 2 year anniversary having had Brain surgery.My last labs at my doctors were good and she is very positive I'm doing better since the THRIVE.

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You go girl!! Eat lots root veges. Make sure morning before rising temp is normal. Sugar n carbs way down or nil in prepared foods. <br />
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Kate<br />
kateinhi - Instagram<br />
KateInHawaii - Flickr

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