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Prednisone Side Effects

Men's Health | Last Active: Mar 26, 2021 | Replies (39)

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Hi, @karent57 - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I'm sorry to hear your husband was a nightmare and downright scary with taking high doses of prednisone, yet he had to take it as an absolute last resort for treatment. Glad his doctors kept a very close watch on him.

I have to take prednisone myself from time to time for a 5-day course due to asthma that gets exacerbated beyond what my normal medication can handle. I know that it is not my family's favorite when I have to take it. I can tell you from my own experience that it's a bit rough for the patient taking it, as sleep is really hard to come by, and it's very difficult for me to hold in my emotions. It's like everything is magnified and your reactivity is, too.

I'm hoping that @suefarar1 will return and share her experiences with prednisone, and I'd also like to invite @tinkerbell @eileen14 @seanlroop @kimh @aland and @cubs0816, who have mentioned this medication, to share their stories with prednisone.

@karent57 - will you share a bit more about your husband's medical situation that prompted his treatment with high-dose prednisone?

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Replies to "Hi, @karent57 - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I'm sorry to hear your husband was a..."

Hi @karen57
I have been on prednisone for well over a year now, continually weaning down in dosage until my latest relapse of Mesenteric Panniculitis. I've had to go back on to 40 mg. (weaning down 5 mg. daily) and then on 5 mg. for at least another month. While the prednisone helps with my inflammations, there are a slew of side effects for sure! This medication has affected my weight, my mood, facial hair growth and bone loss. My doctors have also put me on azathioprine and tamoxifen. At times, I feel a bit like we are experimenting, but due to lack of research on this disease, we probably are....I hope this was helpful.

If anyone wants to learn more about my journey through hell (which turns out to be Adrenal Fatigue - or a touch of Addison's Disease) and how prednisone has helped me tremendously, I am happy to share with you one on one. Please feel free to private message me. If I help one person not to have to endure this as I did, then I feel great about it! That is one less person suffering. God bless you all as we all continue to look for answers, and thank you Mayo Clinic for doing what you do. There is a reason that you guys are #1 in the world for coming up with solutions to extremely complex medical problems. God sent us an angel with Mayo. Best, Sean.

He was diagnosed with Big Cell Arteritis. When the Doctor first started the prednisone the dosage was so high they kept him in the hospital for 5 days. When he came home he was on 80 mg dosage per day, then after 3 months the Doctor started reducing the dosage bi-weekly. January my husband started on Acterma, as of May my husband has been he off of prednisone. The prednisone also put him into Diabetes