← Return to recurrent bladder infections after prolapse surgery
Discussionrecurrent bladder infections after prolapse surgery
Kidney & Bladder | Last Active: Feb 8, 2020 | Replies (23)Comment receiving replies

Hi! I am a 69 year old woman with some of the same problems as I have read above. I had hoped to sail into 'old age' in good health and taking no medications at all...but I do take a diuretic for borderline high blood pressure... Must lose more weight to get off it...
I am glad to read the comments above because I have just been diagnosed with a cystocele (after a winter of coughing violently due to a bad flu). The cystocele seems to have simmered down and am almost not aware of it at this point so I won't even consider an operation...although I realize the condition will not 'go away' and that an operation is likely inevitable...one day.
My main issue is UTIs. I have had 31 rounds of a variety of antibiotics in the past 3 years and 3 months for pretty much continual UTIs. In that time I did have a reprieve of 5 months after being put on vaginal estrogen (with bio-identical progesterone cream as estrogen should not be 'unopposed'). And I had another 3 month reprieve after curing a UTI on day 2 of the infection with the following: I put 2 drops of oregano oil in each of 3 glasses of water. Over a morning I drank them all and ate nothing. That was it! The UTI was gone for 3 months. Then I ate a sugary Xmas meal...and the UTIs returned for which I needed antibiotics and the infections continued unabated! I have tried the oregano method but I believe that it hasn't worked because I was not fully committed in other aspects of treatment (below).
At this point the bacteria, usually e-coli is resistant to 4 different antibiotics.
I have researched this condition to the point where I know more about UTIs and treatments than my GP...and maybe to some extent my urologist. Like most doctors, in my experience, he seems more interested in treatment than prevention. His answer is, "Here's a prescription for 6 months of antibiotics.".
Because I have been on so many rounds of antibiotics, I am almost more concerned about my gut biome. Since 80% of our immune system is in the intestines, I realize I am destroying it with all these antibiotics.As such, I am becoming more and more open to cancer, infections and all disease for that matter which I will have little defences against.
After my 31st round of antibiotics, 2 weeks ago I set my mind to doing everything in my power to fend off another UTI. It became an almost full time preoccupation that included plenty of research. This is what it has included...and so far no UTI: throughout the day drinking water with cranberry juice (not cocktail) in it plus d-Mannose sprinkled into it. Morning and evening I add nasty tasting turmeric plus a few grinds of pepper to help absorption . Also 2x per day I take cranberry pills, vitamin C, 2 - 3 drops of oregano oil in water, showers 2x a day especially after a BM and taking Intestinew recommended by my naturopathic doctor to restore the lining of my intestines. I read that a healthy bladder depends on a healthy gut. I also switched from Vagifem, the vaginal pill taken 2x per week to Estring, a ring impregnated with estrogen to provide continual absorption. When I suggested it to the gynaecologist, she said it might help.
I have learned that it is vitally important to keep the urine on the alkaline side which means eating plenty of fruits and veggies (6 - 10 servings)...even lemons. They are acidic when eaten but become alkaline in digestion. Eating a sugary food can cause the urine to be acidic for 5 hours which can lead to a UTI. The importance of avoiding high carb foods cannot be overemphasized! On 2 occasions I had a sweet dessert at dinner one night and the next morning woke up with a UTI. High carb foods cause inflammation and are the worst thing for the body as a whole. I have started juicing with vegetables.
Yes, I am tired of this continual battle and having to focus on my bladder health every day, but the alternative is continued UTIs and increased antibiotic resistance, a compromised immune system, a kidney infection with possible sepsis...and we all know where that leads!
I feel that researching and learning about a particular condition including medications and their side effects are key. No one is more motivated or interested in your health than yourself.
Replies to "Hi! I am a 69 year old woman with some of the same problems as I..."
@afrobin Hi Robin. Your UTI problem, lasting for more than 3 years, must really be discouraging but you seem to be doing all of the best things for it.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. When I was a migraine sufferer, prior to menopause, I read somewhere that most migraine patients know more than most doctors do about migraines, except for a few specialists. I think that is true of any condition, particularly now that we have the internet. Doctors sometimes do not like their patients googling, and I had an NP tell me to stop my "silly habit" of googling. I think some of them want to appear to be Gods or something.
Thankfully many good doctors are not threatened by it though.