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Anal Fistula Procedures

Digestive Health | Last Active: Nov 4, 2020 | Replies (16)

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Thanks so much @darlia! Welcome @angiejimez! I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms, and so glad that you've joined this group.

Although not specifically about anal fistula, I sincerely encourage you to go through these past discussions about anal fissure and/or anal abscess:
I'm also tagging @hew and @arieon69 with the hope that they will return to share their experiences with you.

Knowing the complete path of an anal fistula is important for effective treatment. Here's some information about Mayo Clinic's approach to treating anal fistula: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/anal-fistula/care-at-mayo-clinic/mac-20352874

@angiejimez, I can imagine your reluctance to go through repeated surgeries; have you considered getting a second opinion?

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Replies to "Thanks so much @darlia! Welcome @angiejimez! I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms, and so glad..."

The surgeries can be an extremely terrifying experience,
trust me I've had plenty and am only 27. As far as dealing with
recurring abscesses and such, may I ask your ethnicity? Here is why I
ask, a skin condition known as hidradenitis is very rarely diagnosed or
in my experience, it took my adult life for someone to tell me. It is
predominate in African Americans but does largely affect others as well.
What will happen is you'll be fine for a while, then boom! Here's an
abscess. It can start at any age. I believe that's what you may have
going on. But I'm not a doctor, just someone who has been through a lot
and knows a little bit about things. For me I was very young and it
started under my armpits and then as I grew older moved to my pelvic
area. So basically anywhere that's warm and accumulates moisture. Oral
antibiotics never seemed to work for me and several hospital admissions
followed. I was given Zyvox after a surgery and it destroyed my white
blood cells. I was ill for a week. Had to go back and stay close to
another month.

I believe the worst thing to do is to make a
gaping hole and not pack it while it closes or stitch it such because
it leaves room for anything, especially staph, to blossom. One thing you
can do is fill it with Manuka honey. It's a little expensive, but it
was amazing with my healing. And if you didn't know, bacteria can not
grow in honey. Also look into a wound vac, any wound center should be
able to set you up on a path for that. That can be a total game changer.
Also feel free to tag me again, it is a very difficult and depressing
thing to deal with, but always make sure to live your best life despite
the cards you were dealt.

Peace and Blessings,