Diarrhea after eating, abdominal pain.

Posted by katieb @katieb, Jul 16, 2011

Recently I have been getting diarrhea about 15 minutes to an hour after eating. Accompanying this is severe stomach cramps and pain. After a trip to the doctor, they decided that it was my gallbladder causing the symptom. In November, I had my gallbladder removed because it was full of stones and sludge. It has now been 8 months and the symptoms have not went away or decreased. Last week, I had a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. Biopsies were done on my large intestine and stomach. All results came back negative. I do not want to live the rest of my life with these symptoms. Any suggestions?

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I had similar experience but it took 3 to 4 hours for me to react. They did all the tests gastroscopy CAT scan ultrasound coeliac panel but finally a test came back that showed I had a microscopic parasite so they’re treating it with antibiotics. I am hoping it will do the trick although I’m paying for taking the antibiotics with a lot of burning sensation from my throat right through so I’m considering whether to take probiotics as well


I have the same problem I've had the same tests and everything comes back normal I've kept a journal of everything I've ate or drink and it doesn't matter what it is and how small apportion it is count to 5 or 10 after eating my stomach starts to hurt real bad and I'm on the toilet always diarrhea most of the time it's black stools Which is higher up blood and most times it's red blood but it's always diarrhea. I hear you I'm getting very tired of it also nobody can find what's wrong nobody can fix it

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The bleeding is certainly a concern, no doubt. I assume that you have had an upper GI series of tests and a colonoscopy with biopsies. Are you losing weight and suffering from constant fatigue due to the symptoms? Have you been put on any drug therapies to try and treat the symptoms? I'm hinting at the possibility of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, which can be difficult to diagnose, even with all the tests.


What have you been eating? I have the same problem but I am still eating a bland diet


Are you able to a lot before you have stomach pains or just small amounts? I have similar issues except I have extreme stomach pains anytime I eat and I can only eat very small amounts like a few bites.


I have the same problem I've had the same tests and everything comes back normal I've kept a journal of everything I've ate or drink and it doesn't matter what it is and how small apportion it is count to 5 or 10 after eating my stomach starts to hurt real bad and I'm on the toilet always diarrhea most of the time it's black stools Which is higher up blood and most times it's red blood but it's always diarrhea. I hear you I'm getting very tired of it also nobody can find what's wrong nobody can fix it

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I am having the same symptoms not the blood part but the constant diahrea anytime I eat and severe cramps


I have occurred the same problem I'm 32 years old had my gallbladder removed 2 years ago and it seems like almost instantly after I eat within about 5 to 15 minutes I'm on the toilet explosive diarrhea positive for blood in the stool culture I have seen red blood I also have dark stool I had a colonoscopy all that came back from that was chronic inflammation I go Monday for an upper GI most of my pain is right below my breasts in above my belly button I feel full very quickly I don't have any auto immune deficiencies only thing I've ever been diagnosed with is fibromyalgia and a rare blood disorder called Factor V pai-1 mutation my blood naturally over clots I too like you have been seeking out answers for quite a while my gallbladder didn't have any sludge or gallstones it was swelled up with chronic inflammation working at 21% went from 71% the year before I've had where my liver enzymes have elevated my D-dimer has been high and I can't understand why I'm going through all of this no heartburn extremely fatigued all the time I only weigh about 104 lb fluctuating between 107 and 104 I've always been small but I know that my body is not getting any nutritions due to the fact that it's passing so quickly


Speak to dr about taking colestopol


Argh...I am no longer shocked by the horror stories I read on a daily basis in patient forums. (many not just here). This could be so many things, but just a couple of themes. 1. no, this is not 'normal' and you shouldn't have to live like this 2. In my humble (or not, lol) opinion, the GI medical world still has a LONG way to go as far as understanding most GI disorders. Unless you have one of the few 'classic' defined disorders with a name, you are out of luck. i.e, they do tests/biopsies for h.pylori, in the stomach and small intestine, Celiac disease in the sm intestine, for example. Maybe a few more depending on what they are thinking, but if you aren't positive for these, then you are 'negative', i.e. assume nothing is wrong. However, there are very few things that can be diagnosed with colonoscopies and endoscopies (and it also depends on what they do during the tests AND who does them and read the reports. So, that hardly means nothing is wrong.

3. Get copies of all of your tests. The full reports, not any abbreviated thing from your doctor. i.e. I had a colonoscopy, during which they went up and did a biopsy of small intestine, I had inflammation of the villi and leukocytosis, (increased white blood cells), i.e something is wrong. However, the report said "this is commonly seen with Celiac disease, and since I don't have that, the doctor never even mentioned it to me!!). My small intestine is reacting to something, they just don't know what (that was years ago, and things have gone downhill, but had I known that, or someone cared to investigate,I'd be further ahead today). If it's not a disease with a name, i.e. something they know what to do something about, it's 'normal'. Again, your reports but be normal b/c the problem may not be something that is visible during a scope, or one of the few things biopsied for. You are going to become a detective..odds are high that you are going to have to figure out your problem yourself (or be the one who initiates any help in figuring it out). So, get all your info together, and get ready to learn all you can about the GI system. Thank goodness for the internet (be wary of any doctor who tells you to 'stay off of the internet'. They say this because they think people are idiots and can't differentiate between reliable and non-reliable information. Most of us can, and you get better the more you learn. Knowledge is power.

4. I say 'horror story' here, b/c I can't believe they took out your gallbladder based on those symptoms!! Those aren't GB symptoms at all, so it is no shock they are still there! The fact that your Gallbladder was sludgy was probably incidental. Geez, I think they just do that surgery b/c it is easy. Did you have any other testing before they decided to to that? I wouldn't go back to that doctor.

5. I know I may sound a little harsh, and negative about the Docs, lol; but this comes from 11 years of experience, and I could have saved myself a lot of time and suffering if I took my current approach. Which is, if a doctor tells me nothing is wrong, doesn't seem interested in figuring out what is wrong, tells me to live with it, see a psychiatrist, or reduce my stress, I'm done with them. They aren't ever going to change, and you will waste precious years.

6. That said, do you have a good GI doctor now, or best you can find? Don't be afraid to go to a different doctor. I went to Mayo for testing recently, and I have a nurse practitioner who writes whatever prescriptions I ask him for. Together we are following a treatment protocol I got from another major center. Most important is someone who will work with you, and that is hard to find now, but keep looking. It may be a case of trying different things to see how they affect you, so you need someone you can communicate with.

7. Before taking any medication or treatment suggestions, you need to find out what the problem is, i.e what is causing you to have this diarrhea. Motility studies might be indicated, but with this diarrhea after eating, this sounds awful infection like. Did they test you for c. diff or any of the common stomach bugs? Also, in my opinion, I think SIBO is a greatly under diagnosed problem, (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth). Be careful here, b/c there is a LOT of bad information out there about this! What happens is bacteria that aren't supposed to be in your small intestine take up residence there and wreak havoc. Often causing diarrhea, but sometimes constipation, BUT symptoms always occur after eating. When your 'food' gets to the bacteria and they start feeding on it. !5 minutes is pretty quick, so makes me wonder if you don't have something in your stomach.

8. Good luck, and I'm so sorry you went through an unnecessary surgery. Always ask questions.If a doctor is annoyed by too many questions, fire him. 🙂 . This is your body, your life. And you don't have to suffer because it inconveniences someone who isn't interested in helping. Don't waste time. Move on to someone who is. It sounds, since you are asking here, that your current doctor isn't offering you any thing. Continue to ask and explore, but you will need a doctor, so that should be your first step.

9. I'm assuming you've tried the obvious things, like going lactose free?, etc. watching for dietary triggers?


I have occurred the same problem I'm 32 years old had my gallbladder removed 2 years ago and it seems like almost instantly after I eat within about 5 to 15 minutes I'm on the toilet explosive diarrhea positive for blood in the stool culture I have seen red blood I also have dark stool I had a colonoscopy all that came back from that was chronic inflammation I go Monday for an upper GI most of my pain is right below my breasts in above my belly button I feel full very quickly I don't have any auto immune deficiencies only thing I've ever been diagnosed with is fibromyalgia and a rare blood disorder called Factor V pai-1 mutation my blood naturally over clots I too like you have been seeking out answers for quite a while my gallbladder didn't have any sludge or gallstones it was swelled up with chronic inflammation working at 21% went from 71% the year before I've had where my liver enzymes have elevated my D-dimer has been high and I can't understand why I'm going through all of this no heartburn extremely fatigued all the time I only weigh about 104 lb fluctuating between 107 and 104 I've always been small but I know that my body is not getting any nutritions due to the fact that it's passing so quickly

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Geez, re you seeing a GI doctor? I've always been told that bloody diarrhea is the hallmark of Chron's disease.. did they mention that? Or have they ruled it out because you didn't have the auto-immune markers?


I have occurred the same problem I'm 32 years old had my gallbladder removed 2 years ago and it seems like almost instantly after I eat within about 5 to 15 minutes I'm on the toilet explosive diarrhea positive for blood in the stool culture I have seen red blood I also have dark stool I had a colonoscopy all that came back from that was chronic inflammation I go Monday for an upper GI most of my pain is right below my breasts in above my belly button I feel full very quickly I don't have any auto immune deficiencies only thing I've ever been diagnosed with is fibromyalgia and a rare blood disorder called Factor V pai-1 mutation my blood naturally over clots I too like you have been seeking out answers for quite a while my gallbladder didn't have any sludge or gallstones it was swelled up with chronic inflammation working at 21% went from 71% the year before I've had where my liver enzymes have elevated my D-dimer has been high and I can't understand why I'm going through all of this no heartburn extremely fatigued all the time I only weigh about 104 lb fluctuating between 107 and 104 I've always been small but I know that my body is not getting any nutritions due to the fact that it's passing so quickly

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@rodgers87 The inflammation could cause your symptoms.. but so could other things. It does not happen to everyone that has had their gallbladder removed, but diarrhea happened to me after gallbladder removal. I tried many different probiotics and then my husband's cousin said the only one that worked for him was Align. I tried it and it has worked well for me in keeping the diarrhea under control... just ever once in a while a dump day. You have to watch your diet too... avoid greasy food especially. Keep a food diary to help you discover which foods might trigger the diarrhea. Each person is different and can tolerate different foods.

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