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I had a Fibrosure blood test that indicated that I had F 4 Cirrhosis. I have read online that this is a highly reliable test for cirrhosis. Does anyone know anything about the Fibrosure test? I am scheduled to have an MRI, blood tests and liver biopsy at Mayo soon. I have also read that the Fibroscan test is more reliable than a biopsy in diagnosing cirrhosis because the Fibroscan gives the "big picture" of the liver while the biopsy only tests a small sample of the liver. Does anyone know anything about this?

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Replies to "I had a Fibrosure blood test that indicated that I had F 4 Cirrhosis. I have..."

Hi @jazzmanfla, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I know that the blood test you mentioned tests 6 different biochemical markers that provides METAVIR fibrosis staging which is a system used to assess the extent of inflammation and fibrosis in a liver biopsy.

Did you physician who ordered the blood work provide you any literature on cirrhosis?


Do you know if it is a reliable test for cirrhosis?

Thanks for your reply. I am going to Mayo JAX 11/16 and 11/17 for tests, radiology and transjugular biopsy. While I do not have the more serious symptoms associated with cirrhosis, I DO have occasional slight dizziness and a marked increase in pain right in the middle of the chest in my sternum. I know that my liver is enlarged and perhaps this pain is associated with that. I went from being fat my whole life, to metabolic syndrome, to diabetes, to fatty liver, to NASH and now cirrhosis. In addition to the fear, I have a great deal of guilt and self-castigation about my situation. I feel like the guy who smoked 4 packs of cigarettes for 60 years and gets lung cancer. I have a counselor who keeps telling me that I must not look back and must move forward to further diagnosis and treatment. But I cannot seem to stop thinking like this. I basically feel that this is a self-inflicted wound and that nothing can change that fact. I am 70 years old and live alone. So, I have no support at all. And that doesn't help things. I know that there is nothing you can do about what I have said here. But you asked me and I have laid it out here how I am feeling. Thanks.

Perhaps it can help to think of all the less fortunate people in a similar situation but do not have insurance, a home, or friends.. .. you are at most retirement age limits ... what positive aspect of your life can you focus on ? your jazzman ID might indicate that music was an important part of your life.. good music can help soothe the mind.. One day at a time.. while I have been an architect, a university prof and have no psychological expertise... those one comes in contact in life demonstrate the positive is the best way to live.. Good luck to you in all you do.. do you write music, can you write about your life... ? Ken

Good points Ken. Thanks

I live in Bradenton, FL. Mayo Jax is 6-8 hour drive depending on traffic. Not seeing doctors. Having blood tests, imaging and transjugular liver biopsy over 2 days. Been there before for cardiac issues. Thanks.

Had video appointment with Mayo Hepatologist who reviewed previous test results ordered by local doctor.

Everything went ok. Biopsy not as painful as I expected given that they basically stick a fishing pole down your jugular vein. Although blood tests and imaging done in my town indicated that I had Stage 4 Cirrhosis, the liver biopsy at Mayo said I had Stage 2 Fibrosis. Fibrosis is scarring of the liver. Stage 0 is no scarring, 1 is mild scarring, 2 is moderate scarring. 3 is advanced scarring and 4 is cirrhosis. So I am better than I expected to be. I have an appointment with Hepatologist 12/7 to discuss the diagnosis and what I can do to stop the progression to cirrhosis. There are no medications available to eliminate the scarring and once scarring has occurred the liver cannot regenerate the scars away. So I will see what he says. Thanks for asking.

I just found out yesterday a scan I had in June showed I’m know at stage 4 cihorosdis of liver . I’m scared and want to go to
Mayo Clinic for second opion , can anyone guide me in first steps to take ? I’m so stressed I can’t think straight about what to do next . Arkansas girl