Mentor Teleconference - October 30, 2018 | 5pm CT

Mentor Teleconference - October 30, 2018 | 5pm CT

Tue, Oct 30, 2018
5:00pm to 6:30pm CT


On Tuesday, October 30 at 5 pm CT (3 pm PT, 4 pm MT, 6 pm ET, 9am Oct 31 NZT), we will hold our next Mentor & Moderator Teleconference.

Signup for the meeting and you will receive an email reminder a day and an hour before the event.

How to join the meeting

  1. Call 1 866-365-4406
  2. Enter the Access Code: 2931995 follow by #.
  3. Click here to join the meeting at the appointed hour and see the shared screen.
  4. Enter your first name.
  5. Click submit.

Proposed Agenda - suggestions welcome

1. Roll Call and Meet the new Mentors - 40 minutes
  • Share a fun fact about you
  • What nugget of wisdom would you like to share with the new mentors?
2. Mentor Meetup October 2019 - 15 minutes
3. New stuff and ideas: Show and tell - 20 minutes
  • What's new on Connect? What's coming?
4. Ideas and Inspirations - 10 minutes
  • Open discussion
  • Share your new and noteworthy
  • What do you want or need to help you in your role as a Mentor?
 I encourage you to start the conversation here to help us focus our discussion during the teleconference. The main purpose of this meeting is to get to know the new mentors and make them feel welcome and part of the group.
Let's get started now. Share your fun facts and nuggets of wisdom in the comments.



A little morsel of who I am is that I recently started oil painting again after 30+ years of inactivity. I have found that for me, painting and drawing are like riding a bike. My muscle & emotional memory knows how and what to do. I am loving it and will begin water color and other art work soon. As an older person 😄 I find I have a different view than when I was younger.

I'm also finally stepping out into my community, working on the Gil Cisneros for Congress and Lourdes Cruz campaigns. They are Democrats in Orange County, CA which has been a Republican county since the 1930's. We are working to flip the county and join the rest of California. As a result of this activity and the art class, I am meeting and making friends. It's been 3 years since I moved here and I've missed having friends. I'm an extrovert and I am now having a great time! Enough about me. I'm looking forward to the call this afternoon. Gail

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Gail, I am so excited for you that you are getting back into painting. I plan on doing the same thing. I have been making jewelry, but the painting is beckoning to me. I hope that you will post pics of your work when you finish it. Also, I am super happy about your campaigning for the Democratic Party. Thank you so much for your time and effort. That is something I want to look into as well, if I ever get my energy back.


Thank you Colleen I will be at my station at 11 am. See you in the time zone territory.

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Maureen, I am looking forward to meeting you.


Just to get you in the mood for our meeting coming up in 2 hours. Here's a rough cut compilation of some of the videos taken during the mentor meetup. I've posted this privately on my YouTube channel. We'll get them official soon.


It is 9.12 am here and I am being lazy. Still not dressed. Need to be ready for our conference and need to do some grocery shopping over the road. Living by myself and being retired mean that I have to impose some structure on my days myself and sometimes I sail a bit close to the wind!


Hello everyone! I have no pearls of wisdom to speak of other than " be prepared." And a fun fact is I had my first paid job as a " bouncer" in my all girls dorm back in the 70's. We had to clear the dorm out every Saturday night. Boys were not allowed overnight back then. It took some courage for me. The most famous guest I ever had to come to the dorm was Randy Owen, from the group Alabama. He was an English major! Sre you soon!


Update @hopeful33250 The surgeon says he has far to many micro fractures and micro tears at this time. They will recheck every 8 weeks. There is no place for them to anchor repairs to at this time. He is now dependent on the wheelchair. He had 2 falls with the crutches. They said he basically crashed the foot between the Metatarsals and Linsfranc. He told Anthony it would be at least 4-6 months before he’d even see a therapist. 😢 Which means he would drop out of the musical since it requires dancing. He will still remain in The Madrigal Performances which was his biggest request. Thankfully he has no pain which is weird so they will be running a few tests this week to see why he has no pain. Trust me I don’t want him to but to crush your foot and not know! Somethins not right!! 🤨.

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@dawn_giacabazi your poor son, this must be really hard on him, and on you. There is nothing worse than seeing your child going through something like this.
I’m glad he can remain in the Madrigal performance. It will be interesting to find out why no pain.


Good Morning, Jane, I was born and raised in South Georgia. So I am a true Steel Magnolia! My husband and I moved to North Georgia 18 years ago, and have been very unhappy here. We live in the country and aren't close to any big city. We are closer to the TN line than we are to a city in Georgia.

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@retiredteacher Ahh, so you're southeastern, not northeastern. Big difference. If you are not happy there, are you thinking about relocating?


A little morsel of who I am is that I recently started oil painting again after 30+ years of inactivity. I have found that for me, painting and drawing are like riding a bike. My muscle & emotional memory knows how and what to do. I am loving it and will begin water color and other art work soon. As an older person 😄 I find I have a different view than when I was younger.

I'm also finally stepping out into my community, working on the Gil Cisneros for Congress and Lourdes Cruz campaigns. They are Democrats in Orange County, CA which has been a Republican county since the 1930's. We are working to flip the county and join the rest of California. As a result of this activity and the art class, I am meeting and making friends. It's been 3 years since I moved here and I've missed having friends. I'm an extrovert and I am now having a great time! Enough about me. I'm looking forward to the call this afternoon. Gail

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@gailb I am so envious of people with creative talent.
It sounds like things are going great for you in your new location. Good luck on flipping the county.


ARGHHH. I forgot to record the teleconference! I'm so sorry. I've attached the slides.

Here are some of the links that I shared in the presentation that you may wish to explore:
Please review this document and let me know if you would like any changes to your experience or groups.

2. About the Mentors:
Scroll down the page to see everyone and click their Spotlight to get to know more about your fellow mentors. I will be making a new category for the Alumni Mentors. @retiredteacher and @contentandwell, we'll be in touch next month about your doing a spotlight.

3. Newbies: I think you'll enjoy reading this article about Mentors and your impact
Yes, you're the secret ingredient!

4. Mentor meetup: Save the date October 7-9, 2019 in Rochester, MN. See preliminary details here

So great to chat with you all. Happy Halloween.

Shared files

CYoung-MayoClinicConnect-Mentor Telecon 5 - Oct 2018 (CYoung-MayoClinicConnect-Mentor-Telecon-5-Oct-2018.pdf)


@retiredteacher Ahh, so you're southeastern, not northeastern. Big difference. If you are not happy there, are you thinking about relocating?

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Yes. South Georgia is a big difference. It's the Old South: manners, proper decorum, decency, dress and looks, and the best Soul Food anywhere.
We will not move back, although we would like to. My husband has heart disease, has had an eye stroke, and has periodic battles with skin cancer, so with my Diabetes and other minor problems, we are not able. I am 74 and he is 77. We have one son who still lives in S GA, but he has his own demons. We see him once a year, maybe. There is no more family--just the three of us. Our retirement was spent on our son's problems for over 20 years, so we'd have to inherit the money or win the lottery to be able to get out of NW GA, which is a sad place.
We try to remain positive and my husband's doctors are in TN. They are great! We would hate to leave them. It is a long story, but I think you understand why we are still in an unhappy place.
I know New England is a wonderful area. We visited Rhode Island when we were first married. It was a beautiful area.
The conference today was so uplifting and encouraging. I enjoyed meeting everyone.
Have a good evening.
Carol, Volunteer Mentor

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