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Replies to "@johnbishop, I am a little confused now. Probably just semantics, but do you use an app..."
@johnbishop, John, I am so excited that in addition to getting more comfortable with my learning notepad, I found out that I could save my settings on Chrome! Tom and I share a computer, and he prefers microsoft edge, so I always needed to re-open (there must be a tech term) my Connect, and email sites when I went to Chrome via taskbar . Now click taskbar Chrome and Everything is there waiting for me!!!
Thanks for giving me the courage to investigate some more computer features:-)
You are definitely contributing to my mental health by reducing some stress. Maybe blood pressure, too!
@johnbishop, the "Notebook" program I remember is Google/Notebook. I don't remember it well, because Google put it to sleep 5 years ago or more. Is there a new Notebook program I should track down -- to compare with the grand old Notepad, which is my choice for plain text creations?
Good for you Rosemary! I need to learn better ways of working on Connect. I need to be walked through it though. I have a new laptop that I am still learning. It has many bells and whitles that I have no clue how to use. Feeling like a dinosaur over here.
Hi Terri! Want a bridge to your old version of Windows? I always recommend a free menu program to my customers that you can download that will give Windows 10 a menu that looks like Windows 7 -- http://www.classicshell.net/. It does help you find the programs easier if you are having any problems with the Windows 10 graphical user interface.
Hi Martin, I'm not sure which Notebook program Teresa is talking about. The free ones I'm familiar with are notepad, wordpad, OneNote, and StickyNotes. I like simple but there probably are benefits to using some of the others. I haven't looked in the Microsoft Store on my Windows 10 laptop to see what 3rd party apps are available but there is a review of the 5 free ones for Windows 10 here:
-- https://www.groovypost.com/reviews/windows-10-note-taking-apps/
@gman007, @hopeful33250, notepad.exe is the old guy in the neighborhood. It's been around since MS-DOS days in the early 80s. It's a plain old basic text editor with no frills or features. There have been many third partys and open source versions of similar programs with new features and enhancements. I think the Notebook program Teresa mentions is a new app available through the Windows 10 Microsoft Store. The Microsoft Store came about in Windows 10 so they would have a method to sell you stuff like Apple and Google/Android.
If you find something you like that works better than notepad, jump on it - whatever helps you do a task easier is the name of the game. I like notepad.exe because it's simple, it's free and I've been using it since MS-DOS days. What can I say ☺ My first computer was an IBM PC with an Intel 8088 processor, 8 KB of memory, and two 360 KB floppy disk drives, running MS-DOS 1.0.
Happy Wednesday! ~ John