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Mentor Teleconference - October 2017 Event Date: October 11, 2017 | 12:00pm - 1:00pm CT

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I think this is where I post my profile. My primary group is head and neck cancer but I'm also interested in all things cancer and in coping with serious disease.

My skill set? Hmmm. I like to write. Used to be an English teacher ... all those years of writing school reports have given me heaps of practice. I try my best to empathize with people because I don't want others to experience the confusion, isolation and distress I've been through at different stages of my cancer journey. With my group in NZ I'm learning new skills in advocacy and new concepts like participatory medicine where the patient's voice is heard. I understand how bewildering it is to be up against a medical hierarchy when you are feeling scared and vulnerable.

In my free time I enjoy reading both fiction and non-fiction and belong to a book club. I love physical exercise, especially long distance walking and hiking in the outdoors. I'm a bird-lover, enjoy photography and - probably shouldn't admit this - I am fascinated by politics and current affairs.

My head and neck cancer has affected my appearance, speech (minimal) and eating/drinking but fortunately I have been able to continue with my interests. I count myself as lucky.

Look forward to meeting you in future teleconferences.

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Replies to "I think this is where I post my profile. My primary group is head and neck..."

Ah, Maureen: Teachers unite. @rosemarya is also a teacher and an avid hiker. Anyone else? And you will find a shared interest in bird-watching and photography with @johnbishop.

I have enjoyed reading some of your blog posts about patient advocacy and the patient role in participatory medicine. For anyone interested, please see some of Maureen's writing here: http://headandneck.org.nz/members/MaureenJansen

Maureen, you may be interested in fellow blogger @cynaburst writings too https://hcmbeat.com/


@alpaca, Maureen, I see that you and I have some things in common!

I taught everything imaginable before our boys were born. After they were in school, I was no longer certified, and worked as an assistant with children with learning disabilities and with special needs. I loved doing that, and I began to take classes toward my certification. I was moved to a teaching position with 11-15 year olds. I did that for 5 years.

Then 1 class before my full certification, I chose to retire. My liver disease was beginning to cause some of its bothersome symptoms, and we knew that my disease was progressive with no cure, except maybe a transplant, My husband and I wanted whatever life we had together to be a good memory. That dear sweet man made arrangements, and we were flying to Alaska on the first day of the following school year!
We do enjoy outdoors and hiking together. We do not do overnights. It is interesting that you are in NZ, and that you hike. During one of my post transplant visits to Mayo Rochester, my doctor shared with us her hiking trip in New Zealand.

I am not a bird watcher, but I do get a thrill out of seeing any wildlife. I'm a point and shoot photographer. Once we saw a grisly along a trail in Glacier Nat Park, but chose to get out of there quick and not take a picture.

I would love to hear more about some of your adventures when you have time to write.

Hello Rosemary! No bear, snakes or anything too scary in NZ. I think that's why we hold our birds so dear.

Like you I don't do overnighters any more. Too hard to sleep. However a good long day walk is always a great option. I walked a half marathon around Auckland at night a week ago to raise money for the Cancer Society. A but foolish at my age but I enjoyed it.

We have a track that takes in the length of the country from North to South called Te Araroa, the pathway. It goes mostly through forest and along beaches but includes a little road work. That is a long held dream but I'd need to sleep in style each night.

I found my 40 years of high school English teaching very stimulating but stressful. It's good to be retired although I was hoping to do some substitute teaching to supplement my pension and now I have some trouble speaking and too many scars. Gosh, it was hard to make a total break from it. It gets into your blood. The good thing is that any skills I gained throughout my career have made my cancer advocacy work easier.

Nice to meet you Rosemary.

@alpaca, Thanks for quick reply. I just have to share the following - My doctor did a many day hike (maybe a week?) and it was guided and there were night lodgings with meals each night, She encouraged us to look into it because we, too, told her we did not do overnights. It is just too far away for me to feel comfortable about.

I think my total teaching was 27 years.