← Return to Mentor Teleconference - October 2017
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Replies to "Teresa, I'm so glad that you set the ball in motion here to get the teleconference..."
John, Great input and insights. I look forward to integrating these comments into our discussion on Wednesday.
2. Table Talk - "stepping out of the way" is a great skill and allows the room to open up. Nicely said. Anyone have tips or examples on how to do this?
3. Search functionality - we recently upgraded the search functionality, so it is better than it was. Still room for improvement. I agree. Here's some documentation from CareHubs on the search weight/relevancy ranking that you and other searchers might find interesting. https://docs.carehubs.com/components/fulltext-search/ Would be thrilled to work with you for further improvements to the search capabilities.
5. Noted about Final Thoughts. It shall never be used again for agendas. 😉
Now tell me, did that divine blue feathered friend really come to your backyard feeder in Minnesota? What type of bird is he?
Yes it did...have seen 2 or 3 of them this Spring and Summer. I think they are Mountain Bluebirds. They are definitely one of my favorites although I really like the cardinals. My favorite is the Pileated Woodpecker but they are really skittish and any movement in the window where I snap the photos spooks them.
Lovely photos, @johnbishop. So cute!
I would not worry about "plagiarism," in this case, as this "doesn't count." If the verbiage fits, I say "go for it." More efficient and learning from one another.
If you are volunteering to write a mentor feature, I think that is wonderful!
Colleen (@colleenyoung) this was the picture I was looking for if it will work.
Your blue bird is my favorite song bird, John. Indigo Bunting.
I figured someone would know the correct name. Thanks Martin!
How do you know this stuff, @predictable? That's impressive!
I'm a birdwatcher of sorts. Got started with a Birdwatching merit badge in Boy Scouts. Birds are one of the most important indicators of the status of animals on Earth, especially those that are not so much predatory on other animals of significance to life in Nature.
Here’s my story and probably more than you want...
1. Introductions Round Robin
John Bishop - Autoimmune diseases, Neuropathy...and watching for first posts by new Connect members.
-- What aspect of your personality or skill set do you feel adds the most value to Mayo Clinic Connect?
Jeepers, what a question for an introvert hiding in an extroverts body. Empathy for folks in pain or scared - because I sometimes are one. People skills from years of working with different customer sets.
-- What is your favorite past time or activity that helps you re-energize and reconnect with you? (feel free to upload pictures to show us
In a prioritized order - taking photos of critters outside of my computer room window, listening to my beard grow, and checking my eyelids for pinholes. Photos attached.
2. Creating the Kitchen Table Talk
-- How to successfully move conversations from one-on-one to include everyone at the table.
Tag relevent Connect members if possible for comments, ask a few questions and hopefully step out of the way when the conversation starts. Wishful thinking?
-- Open discussion about what's working well in your groups and what you'd like to see improve. Let's focus on the social interactions for this discussion and the technology as secondary.
Moderators and mentors tagging others for input and information re-use (OK, maybe some blatant plagiarism on my part! But on my defense, you are all so good with words and it is helpful to me.)
3. Working Better Together
-- Shifting roles and responsibilities of the Moderators. What does this mean to Mentors?
I would like to think "Yellow Submarine". All crew members on a sub have to learn all of the jobs so when one goes down another one can step up and do the job.
-- What resource, tool or support would like to have to help you in your role as a Mentor?
Better search capability - specifically the ability to do an advanced search of the posts like word or phrase + word or phrase OR "specific phrase" in quotes. Searching is my favorite pastime.
4. New stuff and ideas: Show and tell
-- What's new on Connect? What's coming?
Wooo hooo! Can't wait to find out. 🙂
-- Member Spotlight - a new feature, looking for writers
Rats! I always wanted to be a creative writer when I wore a tech writer hat for IBM but they made me write to the 8th grade vocabulary for customer engineer documentation as if they would hire an 8th grader. I know you can't see me but I did take one step forward just in case I can help.
5. Final Thoughts
I do not like that word "Final". It reminds me of, well, Final - like in no more, kaput, finished, done, it's all over... I'm still thinking there's always tomorrow!