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Is the use of the Spinal Cord Stimulation new for neuropathy patients? I thought this system had already been used successfully for pain associated with the spinal cord.

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Replies to "Is the use of the Spinal Cord Stimulation new for neuropathy patients? I thought this system..."

Hi @camil1957, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You ask a very good question. The physician-researchers of this study explain:

“You are correct in that spinal cord stimulation has been successful in treating neuropathic (nerve related) pain for over 30 years. Newer programming settings have recently come out for the spinal cord stimulators that seem to work better than the older systems and we are looking to see the impact these new settings have on the health of the nerves.”

Camil, might I ask, do you live with neuropathic pain? If yes, you may be interested in joining the discussions with other members of Mayo Clinic Connect in the Neuropathy group here: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/group/neuropathy/