When is the Right Time to Move?

Dec 18, 2019 | Aimalicia Staub | @aimaliciastaub | Comments (4)

If you're considering a senior living community for your future, you may ask yourself "when is the right time to move?"  The following questions and responses may be helpful in aiding you in your decision. Planning now can help ensure a smooth transition!


EDITED - Lore gardening

“We don’t need senior living yet. We can still take care of ourselves, our home, and we like to travel.  We are not ready.”

  • Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRC), such as Charter House, are usually set up for folks to join before they "need it." CCRC's provide a continuum of care for resi
    dents from independent living to assisted living and skilled care. You can continue to travel and enjoy the same activities while having the benefit of knowing your new home will be taken care of while you're away. This transition can be complex and few people are ever 100% ready to move at this stage of life.  Be proactive and make the decision now to avoid a crisis situation when someone else has to make the decision for you.

“We enjoy our outdoor space at home, our garden, our workshop, etc…”

  • Great!  You can continue to enjoy these hobbies and amenities at many senior livings, such as Charter House. Charter House offers a greenhouse, woodworking shop, and extensive patio space.  But the difference at Charter House is that you’re not responsible for maintaining those areas, replacing tools if they’re worn or broken, or paying for snow removal and yard maintenance.

 “I’m too young.”

  • Our Charter House residents who moved in when they were “too young” have said they were thankful they did not wait. One thing is guaranteed, moving will not get easier; if moving may be difficult for you now, consider how much more difficult it may be if you wait a few years! Plus, moving now rather than later will give you more time to enjoy maintenance-free living, to build new friendships, and to live your life to its fullest by taking advantage of everything a senior living community can offer.

“I have so much stuff and I need to downsize first.”

  • You're not alone! If you haven’t started, it’s best to start now. Our residents often give items to family, donate them, or have a local company coordinate an auction. Don’t let your belongings hold you back from making such an important decision about your future. It can be helpful to use a floor plan of your future home so you know which furniture you can bring and which furniture you want to get rid of.

“I need to sell my home first.”

  • Again, you’re not alone! Many folks use the equity in their homes to pay their CCRC entrance fee. Are you ready to sell? Have you downsized? Have you contacted a realtor? If you need direction, the senior living you plan to move to should be able to point you in the right direction.

“We have children who are able to help us if we need it.”

  • That’s great that you have children willing to help you if needed, but wouldn’t it be better if they didn’t have to? Maybe they’re raising their own families and busy with their careers. If you make the decision to move now, you will be in control of your own future. Your children will not have to worry about what to do. They will know that whatever the future brings, you’re living in a community that provides the security of offering a full continuum of service and care. What a gift that would be to your children! Plus, when they come to visit you, you can focus on enjoying your time together, rather than on completing a list of tasks and chores.


Take the time to plan for your future. A senior living community may not be the choice for everyone, but if it's an option you're considering, plan early as the community in which you wish to move may have a waiting list.

If you're nearing retirement age, have any of these thoughts crossed your mind?

Interested in more newsfeed posts like this? Go to the Charter House blog.

Thank you so much for this article. I've been toying with the idea of this type of move for some time and what strikes me most is : "if moving may be difficult for you now, consider how much more difficult it may be if you wait a few years!


Thank you so much for this article. I've been toying with the idea of this type of move for some time and what strikes me most is : "if moving may be difficult for you now, consider how much more difficult it may be if you wait a few years!

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Hi @fiesty76
Thank you for your comment and I'm glad to hear you found the article helpful! Yes, that sentence seems to strike a lot of people as it did you. It can be daunting to plan for the future while downsizing and thinking about moving. It is much easier to push it to the side and say “I’ll think about it when the time comes.” But if and when that time eventually comes, it’s much better to have a plan in place.


I made the move to an apartment to be closer to my 2 daughters. My son lives in D.C. The girls are sweet as can be …. I only see them about once a week, but they have families to take care of and I understand that. I'm waiting for a first floor, 2 bedroom senior apartment to open up not far from me. The apartments here are pretty sketchy …. I never go out at night, my keys were stolen, the kids throw eggs at cars, as you drive by they holler all sorts of foul things at you ….. there's one building known at the Crack House. I've been here 3 years and I'm done. So many times I've wanted to go back to the city and state I came from, but that's not possible anymore. I'm Bipolar 2, some days are fairly good and some are awful. I'm hoping when I move to the Senior Building, it will be better and I won't miss my former city and state so much. I guess my advice would be to BE SURE this is what YOU want to do, and aren't pressured into moving by others, no matter how well meaning. Good Luck.


So Sorry to hear that you are having such problems as a Senior. I completely understand. I have had similar issues. I have a son in California and he wants me to move in with him. He is single and I don't want to impose on him. As we parents we took care of them.I try to be as independent as I can.As we get older it gets more difficult. I was pa care giver for both of my parents which they are both deceased. I have a neuropathy problem waiting on God's miracle.

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