Collagenous Gastritis – Searching for Answers

Nov 6, 2018 | Kanaaz Pereira, Connect Moderator | @kanaazpereira | Comments (28)

Joseph Murray, M.D., talks about a rare condition – collagenous gastritis – and about Mayo Clinic’s ongoing research to better understand the causes, and try and find the best treatment for this condition.

Dr. Murray, M.D.,  is a gastroenterologist and celiac disease expert at Mayo Clinic.

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What is the GAPS diet? I have Celiac disease and Microscopic Colitis. A double whammy! Celiac Disease is a breeze compared to Microscopic Colitis. I refuse to poison my body with drugs GI specialists recommend. It's nothing but a band aid and does not help. Diet is the only answer. I am still sick, watery diarrhea, brain fog, headaches, abdominal pain and I wear diapers. No doctor around understands Microscopic Colitis. It's a Monster! I'm afraid to the leave the house. There's one GI specialist who understands MC, but he's in Colorado and only accepts sufferers in his state.I won't touch a GI specialist in my city. They are all inept!


I thought I had been given the GAPS diet from my doctor but when I went to share this, I see it is called the FODMAP diet (see attachment). It was given to me when my IBS was swinging more to the diarrhea side and greatly inflaming my fissure issue and putting me in horrible unbearable pain. I think they are very similar because from this web link: I see it states the following: "The GAPS diet is a strict elimination diet that requires its followers to cut out grains, pasteurized dairy, starchy vegetables and refined carbs." Maybe go to this link and learn more about the GAPS diet.

Shared files

FODMAP Eating Plan (FODMAP-Eating-Plan.pdf)


What exactly is GAPS diet and how does it help someone with collagenous gastritis. what symptoms have you experienced with collagenous gastritis. Our 18 year old daughter has been diagnosed with it and the only symptom she has had is 2 episodes of severe bleeding. So I wonder whether this GAPS diet will assist and who would be the best person to advise on GAPS diet. Any recommendation will be greatly appreciated. thank you


GAPS is similar to SCD-Specific Carbohydrate diet. SCD is recommended by Mayo Clinic for crohns, etc. Easy to break down foods. Specific Carbohydrate Diet.There are facebook support groups for each diet. Also, there is a facebook group for CG.


Totally agree on nutrition. My teenager has collagenous gastritis. We are now doing the GAPS diet/protocol. That is after seeing many specialists across the country and trying meds. GAPS is the only thing that is working for us. However, you have to customize based on the individual. If you don't customize, you don't see improvement. That is the tricky part of the nutrition route. Very slow improvement but finally moving in the right direction.

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Hi Wendy2001, my 15 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with Collagenous Gastritis. We are trying to mange it day by day, and for now, her only symptom is severe nausea in the mornings...and some mornings she throws up stomach acid right when she wakes up, and other mornings it's just the nausea. What is the GAPS diet? Right now it doesn't seem as if the steroids are working, and they also are having her take prilosec 2x/day. Thank God it's not in her colon at all, and it's so frustrating that no one seems to know a lot about it. I'm hoping you see my comment!! 🙂


Hi Wendy2001, my 15 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with Collagenous Gastritis. We are trying to mange it day by day, and for now, her only symptom is severe nausea in the mornings...and some mornings she throws up stomach acid right when she wakes up, and other mornings it's just the nausea. What is the GAPS diet? Right now it doesn't seem as if the steroids are working, and they also are having her take prilosec 2x/day. Thank God it's not in her colon at all, and it's so frustrating that no one seems to know a lot about it. I'm hoping you see my comment!! 🙂

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There are a few nutrition paths to try. Paleo-autoimmune, SCD - Specific Carbohydrate Diet(used by many Crohn's patients) and GAPS. We did GAPS which was labor intensive for about two years. Now we are mostly Paleo-autoimmune. We cut out preservatives, food coloring, dairy and gluten - basically a very clean diet. Our kids can't process all of the additives in so much of our food.


There are a few nutrition paths to try. Paleo-autoimmune, SCD - Specific Carbohydrate Diet(used by many Crohn's patients) and GAPS. We did GAPS which was labor intensive for about two years. Now we are mostly Paleo-autoimmune. We cut out preservatives, food coloring, dairy and gluten - basically a very clean diet. Our kids can't process all of the additives in so much of our food.

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Thank you for your advice. My wife along w/ her physician tried all the things you mentioned. Even off label medications and concoctions based on the Doctors knowledge on research (He is a research Doctor at Washington University,) on Crohn's disease. However the disease continued to progress until the decision was made for the colorectal surgery. The recovery, even after 3 years is still not complete.


My husband was diagnosed with collagenous microscopic colitis and collagenous gastritis his symptoms were blood in the stool, diarrhea
and weight loss. He is a thin person and now looks fragile. He cannot go to the office or be away from home too long
His dr put him on budesonide ec 3mg tabs 3x a day,sucralfate 1 GM tab 3x a day, And for diarrhea Lomtil. Our life has changed, his dr said prednisone would help his collagenous gastritis. My husband decided that this drug with the terrible side effects was something to avoid. Instead diet changes were made. Diarrhea has lessened, and we wish there was a budesonide for the collagenous gastritis. That’s our story. Don’t know what else to do.

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I have collagenous gastritis. I was first diagnosed 10 years ago. Prednisone about did me in. I am on my 3rd flare up in 10 years. I was treated with budesonide and placed on a feeding tube. The first two times I completely healed after 4-5 months. This third time I got a little better and was able to go back to work but now it is flaring up again. I was referred to Mayo and have an appointment in 6 weeks. My current doctor had me open up the budesonide and put it in apple sauce to better treat the stomach since it is designed to treat your intestines. I am frustrated and worried. Hoping to find some answers. There is a local ketamine office where I live and occasionally get iv infusions with vitamins and minerals. It makes me feel better right away but doesn't last and is expensive.


I have collagenous gastritis. I was first diagnosed 10 years ago. Prednisone about did me in. I am on my 3rd flare up in 10 years. I was treated with budesonide and placed on a feeding tube. The first two times I completely healed after 4-5 months. This third time I got a little better and was able to go back to work but now it is flaring up again. I was referred to Mayo and have an appointment in 6 weeks. My current doctor had me open up the budesonide and put it in apple sauce to better treat the stomach since it is designed to treat your intestines. I am frustrated and worried. Hoping to find some answers. There is a local ketamine office where I live and occasionally get iv infusions with vitamins and minerals. It makes me feel better right away but doesn't last and is expensive.

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Some medical ailments are very hard to treat. Hope you start feeling better again.

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