Prednisone taper and trouble getting asthma under control

Posted by otter2154 @otter2154, Mar 10, 2021

I’m having trouble getting my Asthma under full control. As mentioned, I’ve come a long way in the last two months, but I’m still experiencing some thick, sticky phlegm. Pulmonologist has me on a high dose course of Prednisone and currently I’m in the “tapering down” stages. The prednisone has seemingly and completely eliminated any lingering cough, and episodes of SOB seem gone too. The drug has reduced the amount of the sticky phlegm, yet it remains to a lesser degree (and I have to occasionally work to “huff” it up). This action is causing some pain in my upper back and down my arms too. Plus the huffing makes my voice hoarse. Frankly, I could probably live with it if the phlegm were easier to move (I am also taking 1200 mg 2x daily of Mucinex and just added NAC supplement.) Any thoughts or suggestions on next steps?

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I am glad that your current medication is having the desired effect, generally.
I suggest that you ask your pulmonologist for an inhaler with albuterol to break up the phlegm nd relieve the associated negative symptoms.
It may be that you will use it three of four times a day.
The are a number of machines for this purpose, that main difference being the difference in the rate of the discernment of the drug.
Good luck.


A device to help you "huff" up the phlegm is available. My instructions are to blow three light puffs and then three hard ones into device. After that you should cough, which hopefully dislodges the "yuck." Repeat three times is what I am told.


@mrbill and @spudmato- What devices can you suggest to @otter2154? I am fortunate that I don't have asthma but I do have a lot of mucus. One thing that really helps is drinking more water than you are used to to help dilute it. I know, I know I've said this a million times. But it's true, it helps.

I'm very glad that prednisone has helped you that much! With that much Mucinex and prednisone are you able to sleep at all?



@mrbill and @spudmato- What devices can you suggest to @otter2154? I am fortunate that I don't have asthma but I do have a lot of mucus. One thing that really helps is drinking more water than you are used to to help dilute it. I know, I know I've said this a million times. But it's true, it helps.

I'm very glad that prednisone has helped you that much! With that much Mucinex and prednisone are you able to sleep at all?


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Stunningly ... I sleep quite well most nights theses days! The Prednisone made for some very colorful and crazy dreams though.


Stunningly ... I sleep quite well most nights theses days! The Prednisone made for some very colorful and crazy dreams though.

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@otter2154- You are one lucky person! lol. Are you drinking enough water do you think?


@otter2154- You are one lucky person! lol. Are you drinking enough water do you think?

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I need to drink more. When I was in the office every day pre-Covid, I drank water continuously throughout the day ... LOTS of water in total I imagine. Working from home for the last year ... not so much ... and this could be a factor in the increased/sticky phlegm. I’m making a conscious effort to begin drinking more.


There are several devices on the market. It seems they all do the same thing. The one I have is made by D R Burton. It has PEP (also VPEP) on the device. Respiratory therapist told me, when I was in rehab, they sometimes used to have to hit you on the side and back to loosen up phlegm. That was before this device came along. I was given one by therapist in rehab, then another by therapist in hospital, then another by Pulmonary physician at clinic. Don't know if you need script to get one. If you do get one be sure and ask therapist what setting to use. If need be I can post a picture.


Wish I could get some colorful dreams along with my Prednisone. Oh well.


The machine (breath in the mist w/medication) for the albuterol is furnished at no cost if you are on Medicare; it works, but is a bit slow (15 minutes per session).
I purchased an Omicron portable for about $100; it is faster (more power, easier to clean, and convenient.

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