Knocking on Wood

Posted by thumperguy @thumperguy, Jan 14, 2021

Allowing for the possibility that I'm out-of-my-tree and totally deluding myself, at the moment I'm awash in self-congratulation. I'm closing in on 16 months without a flare-up requiring antibiotics to tame. I've tweaked the twice daily treatment session so that I get it done in 23 minutes not counting clean-up time. Twenty-three minutes nebbing 7% saline, switching on the Thumper for only the final three minutes. By that time the saline is almost entirely gone. Somehow those 7 minutes render the whole experience less oneous. Don

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Congratulations! That is really something that deserves self-congratulation.


That is wonderful news! And for everyone reading who struggles with this problem, such an encouragement. These treatments are time consuming. Thanks for sharing. I love this forum. It's here I learned about 7% saline and read so much other information.


That's great! Congratulations. May we all be similarly blessed!


Pardon my ignorance, thumper being a vibrating vest?


Pardon my ignorance, thumper being a vibrating vest?

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Yes, he calls his vest 'Thumper'.


Pardon my ignorance, thumper being a vibrating vest?

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Yes Dolson, Terri got it right. I think that "naming" my loftily named Respirtech Airway Clearing Device "Thumper" probably grew from a wish to cope with the dreary reality of tethering myself for a couple of half-hour sessions everyday, dare I say it, "for the rest of my life." To call the contraption by an obviously trivializing name and eventually writing a song about it and during the past Holiday season spinning a yarn about it based around "A visit from Santa" (aka "The Night Before Christmas.") These innocent efforts I think are the embodiment of an old saw; maybe one can turn a sow's ear into a silk purse after all. I've had a good deal of fun at it and reaped a priceless load of soul nourishing recognition for my efforts right here on this forum. So there you have it; no more ignorance for you! Don


Thanks Don! Love your sense of humor! What a great attitude you have! Helps us get thru our everyday treatments! Yes, for the rest of our lives! Diana


You guys have been very encouraging. Id gotten really tired of saline, aerobika, vest and gave up, and then I read your comments and am starting up again-- not full speed yet, but Im doing saline (alternate 3-7%) and aerobika.


Granny, I’m curious about your rationale for including the 3% in your nebulizing routine as it seems (and most likely is) rather impotent in comparison to 7%.}. Don


My favorite MAC doc (she's from UCLA, but I dont go there anymore, boo) recommended 3% and said it was just as effective, and I tend to believe her. 3% and 7% both seem to work in terms of breaking through the dry cough and getting something up , WHEN I USE THEM. It is the latter part that is my challenge. Also, after 10 years of a very dry cough, my cough changed to being productive (on its own) some of the time. However, it is not the deep stuff I get after nebulizing.

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