"Quality of life"......a gift that just keeps on giving.

The 2020 Holidays are over. What was your favorite gift? Was one of your gifts what I call a “quality of life” gift? Was it a new special pillow that made you sleep better? Perhaps you were given something that made your life a little easier like new shoes with a softer sole. Or maybe your family gave you a Mayo gift like the Pain course or a Habit workshop?

It’s never too late to think of and thank yourself for your endurance, generosity, and kindness to yourself. And these may be things that you have never mentioned because you didn’t want to be a burden or a nuisance or appear to be selfish.

I went crazy this year and got three of my quality of life gifts. I’ll share them with you and hope you realize how very important they were and are to me.

1. My MFR therapist began to feel that one session a week was not sufficient. So, we set up a six week trial of 2 sessions per week. The difference in tolerance was amazing. I didn’t have to endure increasing discomfort for 7 days….just 3. And so….gift #1. When I let my family know they found a way to help with the additional cost called a “stocking stuffer”.

2. For over a year I have been noticing more and more pain in my hip. Several years ago, I had an injection which was done poorly and so I wasn’t too excited about trying again. This time I had a chat with myself. “Why, Chris, are you going through increasing pain when there is a solution?” So I gathered my strong determination, had the injection, and am just jumping for joy. And my insurance covered it. Great…..another quality of life gift received and appreciated.

3. My 2021 quality of life gift brigade begins tomorrow when I have my preliminary appointment to fix my arthritic thumb. I can no longer open a jar or turn a key in the door lock. Seven years ago I had anchovy surgery on the left thumb. It is perfect. Now, why have I let the other one reach such a painful stage? I really don’t like surgery but this one is relatively doable and I won’t need too much help at home.

So Happy Holidays to me.
And thank you friends and family who shouted encouragement and helped support my wishes for a few things that just needed to get done.

What items would qualify for your quality of life? Let’s all share and help each other develop our 2021 list of can dos and must-dos.

Be happy and content in 2021.

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@ess77 Which vaccine did you receive, may I ask? Next weekend I get my second dose of Pfizer, and three days later will have bloodwork drawn for quarterly visits to specialists.

Glad to hear your reactions were short-lived! It proves once again that everyone can react differently, in varying degrees.

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Hi, Ginger. I had the Maderna vaccine. Interesting timing on your bloodwork. I wonder if they'd be interested in adding a couple of tests to see what the vaccine was up to? Find out about antibodies and such.

My body is a bit weird, I have autoimmune illnesses and other things a bit unusual. And, I am pretty fragile....hate to admit that, tho. I think of myself as strong and able. I admit now, neither is true. Fragile is the description best attached to me. But, I am getting stronger and doing better! I'm having more yucky tests these coming 2 weeks, then I get back to my therapy pool and walking more. Miss the warm water and exercise and the people.

Must check on my son. He lives across the street. Is alone and disabled for 20 years w/dystonia. It gets worse as he ages apparently and he's experiencing a flare-up. He lives in constant pain, all over and shoulder/neck/arm nerve pain. He's in a very tough place right now, so I've been working with him to keep his sanity. God, dear God, cover him w/your peace and healing....and open doors to get him into see neurology at mayo...Dr. Wszolek. His specialty is my son. He is his only help.....He's truly had more than he can take!

Blessings and peace. elizabeth.


Hi, Ginger. I had the Maderna vaccine. Interesting timing on your bloodwork. I wonder if they'd be interested in adding a couple of tests to see what the vaccine was up to? Find out about antibodies and such.

My body is a bit weird, I have autoimmune illnesses and other things a bit unusual. And, I am pretty fragile....hate to admit that, tho. I think of myself as strong and able. I admit now, neither is true. Fragile is the description best attached to me. But, I am getting stronger and doing better! I'm having more yucky tests these coming 2 weeks, then I get back to my therapy pool and walking more. Miss the warm water and exercise and the people.

Must check on my son. He lives across the street. Is alone and disabled for 20 years w/dystonia. It gets worse as he ages apparently and he's experiencing a flare-up. He lives in constant pain, all over and shoulder/neck/arm nerve pain. He's in a very tough place right now, so I've been working with him to keep his sanity. God, dear God, cover him w/your peace and healing....and open doors to get him into see neurology at mayo...Dr. Wszolek. His specialty is my son. He is his only help.....He's truly had more than he can take!

Blessings and peace. elizabeth.

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@ess77. I hope your son will get the help he needs soon. It must be so discouraging for both of you, and you with your own problems too. I hope your son can stay strong and continue to deal with his pain.


Hello, everyone. Report on my 2nd shot.

YUCK! Had 2nd vaccine at MAYO last Tues. I had no reaction to the 1st vaccination. Nothing. Must say, I was a bit smug about the whole thing. Well, after this 2nd shot in the morning, I had looooooong, difficult MRI, 2.5 hours, then home. It was a tough drive as I was really tired. And, I was beginning to experience the vaccine side effects, every one of the possible non-dangerous reactions!

I always hurt, but this was ridiculous. My entire body ached and hurt....bones, muscles, joints, I developed a low grade temp for about 12 hours, Slept fitfully that night....went to bed at 5:30 in the afternoon. Nothing to eat....drank an Atkins Smoothie for nutrition, diet coke to help settle tummy. I was up and down, moved around the bed a lot, couldn't get comfy and was hot....up at 8:00, another smoothie, rested in recliner, drank water, took Tylenol, CBD:THC for pain and anxiety. Also, during night used Volteran gel on back, legs, hands.....it helped.

I was pretty miserable all night and most of the day. Then, took a couple of hours to rest in bed and began sweating profusely....fever gone!

After that, I began coming back to life, pain subsided, headache diminished, even my left arm stopped aching. I was in misery, serious pain and discomfort fort about 18 hours. Then, the switch clicked on and I was just fine.

Worth it for whatever antibodies and protection I got? Absolutely! Now, I actually breath easier, a bit more relaxed and very pleased i have some covid19 protection. Just don't be surprised and get prepared to POSSIBLY have some reactions, but they are temporary.

Feels good, folks. May you get your shot, produce lots of antibodies and protection and we can soon move forward with our lives.

We are strong. Our country is strong. Lets remind ourselves of that, stiffen our backs and lift our heads to face our brave new world. We can do this....Blessings to us all!

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@ess77, You did have a hard time of it following your second vacc! I am sorry you experienced such a bevy of very unpleasant after effects. Thank you, Elizabeth, for your optimistic encouragement to all. Encouragement is so needed now and your positive outlook, despite your difficult adverse reactions, is truly appreciated.

Possible interference with the vaccine's effectiveness had news reports here and a friend's nurse warning Not to take over-the-counter pain relievers Before getting the vacc, Both news and nurse said afterwards was fine.

While I'd prepared ahead with homemade soup, jello and Tylenol for my 2nd Moderna vacc, I was most fortunate not to experience anything more than a very slightly sore arm. Best wishes that vaccine production and shots-to-arms ramp up and all eligible can receive vaccinations in the coming weeks!


Hi, Ginger. I had the Maderna vaccine. Interesting timing on your bloodwork. I wonder if they'd be interested in adding a couple of tests to see what the vaccine was up to? Find out about antibodies and such.

My body is a bit weird, I have autoimmune illnesses and other things a bit unusual. And, I am pretty fragile....hate to admit that, tho. I think of myself as strong and able. I admit now, neither is true. Fragile is the description best attached to me. But, I am getting stronger and doing better! I'm having more yucky tests these coming 2 weeks, then I get back to my therapy pool and walking more. Miss the warm water and exercise and the people.

Must check on my son. He lives across the street. Is alone and disabled for 20 years w/dystonia. It gets worse as he ages apparently and he's experiencing a flare-up. He lives in constant pain, all over and shoulder/neck/arm nerve pain. He's in a very tough place right now, so I've been working with him to keep his sanity. God, dear God, cover him w/your peace and healing....and open doors to get him into see neurology at mayo...Dr. Wszolek. His specialty is my son. He is his only help.....He's truly had more than he can take!

Blessings and peace. elizabeth.

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@ess77, What a blessing it is for your son to have your help and that of the doc you mentioned. Sending you and them sincerest thoughts for more help and healing for your son.


@ess77, What a blessing it is for your son to have your help and that of the doc you mentioned. Sending you and them sincerest thoughts for more help and healing for your son.

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Update re my son. I found him Monday afternoon on the kitchen floor unconscious. Called 911, took him to Mayo hospital ED. He was admitted to hospital for 2 days. Brought him home yesterday after a tough two days. I had a couple of serious meltdowns, my friends. I lost it when chatting w/a doc and my son. Got better in time, but deeply exhausted from the long years and pain. He came home yesterday, not ok. I took him back to hospital ED this morning. He's shut down with all these years of pain. He's admitted to the progressive floor, medical, neuro, etc. working together to help this man. He's finally, after 18 years!!!!!!! getting the help from professionals he desperately must have. Thank you Mayo!!!
He has a sitter 24/7 to help, so I was able to come home tonight, then back in the morning to help. I have a bunch of information the docs need, so I need to be there to answer questions.
Therefore, my friends, I'm signing off for a bit. Focused on him and getting him better!
Blessings to all.


Update re my son. I found him Monday afternoon on the kitchen floor unconscious. Called 911, took him to Mayo hospital ED. He was admitted to hospital for 2 days. Brought him home yesterday after a tough two days. I had a couple of serious meltdowns, my friends. I lost it when chatting w/a doc and my son. Got better in time, but deeply exhausted from the long years and pain. He came home yesterday, not ok. I took him back to hospital ED this morning. He's shut down with all these years of pain. He's admitted to the progressive floor, medical, neuro, etc. working together to help this man. He's finally, after 18 years!!!!!!! getting the help from professionals he desperately must have. Thank you Mayo!!!
He has a sitter 24/7 to help, so I was able to come home tonight, then back in the morning to help. I have a bunch of information the docs need, so I need to be there to answer questions.
Therefore, my friends, I'm signing off for a bit. Focused on him and getting him better!
Blessings to all.

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May you and your son be free of suffering and the causes of suffering. Check-in with us. We are here for you.


Update re my son. I found him Monday afternoon on the kitchen floor unconscious. Called 911, took him to Mayo hospital ED. He was admitted to hospital for 2 days. Brought him home yesterday after a tough two days. I had a couple of serious meltdowns, my friends. I lost it when chatting w/a doc and my son. Got better in time, but deeply exhausted from the long years and pain. He came home yesterday, not ok. I took him back to hospital ED this morning. He's shut down with all these years of pain. He's admitted to the progressive floor, medical, neuro, etc. working together to help this man. He's finally, after 18 years!!!!!!! getting the help from professionals he desperately must have. Thank you Mayo!!!
He has a sitter 24/7 to help, so I was able to come home tonight, then back in the morning to help. I have a bunch of information the docs need, so I need to be there to answer questions.
Therefore, my friends, I'm signing off for a bit. Focused on him and getting him better!
Blessings to all.

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Elizabeth, my heart and prayers are with you. I hope this coordinated care provides the help and answers both you and your son need. Your journey is a parent’s worst nightmare. Please do all you can for yourself. Nancy


Update re my son. I found him Monday afternoon on the kitchen floor unconscious. Called 911, took him to Mayo hospital ED. He was admitted to hospital for 2 days. Brought him home yesterday after a tough two days. I had a couple of serious meltdowns, my friends. I lost it when chatting w/a doc and my son. Got better in time, but deeply exhausted from the long years and pain. He came home yesterday, not ok. I took him back to hospital ED this morning. He's shut down with all these years of pain. He's admitted to the progressive floor, medical, neuro, etc. working together to help this man. He's finally, after 18 years!!!!!!! getting the help from professionals he desperately must have. Thank you Mayo!!!
He has a sitter 24/7 to help, so I was able to come home tonight, then back in the morning to help. I have a bunch of information the docs need, so I need to be there to answer questions.
Therefore, my friends, I'm signing off for a bit. Focused on him and getting him better!
Blessings to all.

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Elizabeth - Sending positive thoughts for your son and you. Finally getting the right help will be a tremendous relief, I'm sure. Please take caroe of yourself too.


Update re my son. I found him Monday afternoon on the kitchen floor unconscious. Called 911, took him to Mayo hospital ED. He was admitted to hospital for 2 days. Brought him home yesterday after a tough two days. I had a couple of serious meltdowns, my friends. I lost it when chatting w/a doc and my son. Got better in time, but deeply exhausted from the long years and pain. He came home yesterday, not ok. I took him back to hospital ED this morning. He's shut down with all these years of pain. He's admitted to the progressive floor, medical, neuro, etc. working together to help this man. He's finally, after 18 years!!!!!!! getting the help from professionals he desperately must have. Thank you Mayo!!!
He has a sitter 24/7 to help, so I was able to come home tonight, then back in the morning to help. I have a bunch of information the docs need, so I need to be there to answer questions.
Therefore, my friends, I'm signing off for a bit. Focused on him and getting him better!
Blessings to all.

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@ess77, Sending both you and your son hope for excellent medical help for his long years of pain and suffering. Elizabeth, he is so fortunate to have you overseeing his care and many exhausting efforts over the years in getting his best care possible. Thank goodness you are encouraged by professional help from Mayo. Please garner as much rest as you can during these incredible stressful times for you both. We'll be keeping you in our thoughts until you can once again update us. Please remember to take care of you the caregiver.


Update re my son. I found him Monday afternoon on the kitchen floor unconscious. Called 911, took him to Mayo hospital ED. He was admitted to hospital for 2 days. Brought him home yesterday after a tough two days. I had a couple of serious meltdowns, my friends. I lost it when chatting w/a doc and my son. Got better in time, but deeply exhausted from the long years and pain. He came home yesterday, not ok. I took him back to hospital ED this morning. He's shut down with all these years of pain. He's admitted to the progressive floor, medical, neuro, etc. working together to help this man. He's finally, after 18 years!!!!!!! getting the help from professionals he desperately must have. Thank you Mayo!!!
He has a sitter 24/7 to help, so I was able to come home tonight, then back in the morning to help. I have a bunch of information the docs need, so I need to be there to answer questions.
Therefore, my friends, I'm signing off for a bit. Focused on him and getting him better!
Blessings to all.

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@ess77 Elizabeth, I echo what the others have said. Please take care of yourself, first. Then your son. Rest when you can, accept any assistance offered, or campaign for it if necessary.

Please know we are crowded around you, offering support and virtual hugs. Come back and let us know how everything is going, when you can.

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