"Quality of life"......a gift that just keeps on giving.

The 2020 Holidays are over. What was your favorite gift? Was one of your gifts what I call a “quality of life” gift? Was it a new special pillow that made you sleep better? Perhaps you were given something that made your life a little easier like new shoes with a softer sole. Or maybe your family gave you a Mayo gift like the Pain course or a Habit workshop?

It’s never too late to think of and thank yourself for your endurance, generosity, and kindness to yourself. And these may be things that you have never mentioned because you didn’t want to be a burden or a nuisance or appear to be selfish.

I went crazy this year and got three of my quality of life gifts. I’ll share them with you and hope you realize how very important they were and are to me.

1. My MFR therapist began to feel that one session a week was not sufficient. So, we set up a six week trial of 2 sessions per week. The difference in tolerance was amazing. I didn’t have to endure increasing discomfort for 7 days….just 3. And so….gift #1. When I let my family know they found a way to help with the additional cost called a “stocking stuffer”.

2. For over a year I have been noticing more and more pain in my hip. Several years ago, I had an injection which was done poorly and so I wasn’t too excited about trying again. This time I had a chat with myself. “Why, Chris, are you going through increasing pain when there is a solution?” So I gathered my strong determination, had the injection, and am just jumping for joy. And my insurance covered it. Great…..another quality of life gift received and appreciated.

3. My 2021 quality of life gift brigade begins tomorrow when I have my preliminary appointment to fix my arthritic thumb. I can no longer open a jar or turn a key in the door lock. Seven years ago I had anchovy surgery on the left thumb. It is perfect. Now, why have I let the other one reach such a painful stage? I really don’t like surgery but this one is relatively doable and I won’t need too much help at home.

So Happy Holidays to me.
And thank you friends and family who shouted encouragement and helped support my wishes for a few things that just needed to get done.

What items would qualify for your quality of life? Let’s all share and help each other develop our 2021 list of can dos and must-dos.

Be happy and content in 2021.

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@ess77 Yes, Life is grand.. I am thankful I did not miss it .. Now 83 ... a frequent traveler... except in a Pandemic.. but I look back at all the great events, those things that gave me great pride and enjoyment.. I do have great Dental Insurance... and Health Insurance.. and I don't have to make monetary decisions about healthcare.. As a architect I grasped the pencil or pen too tightly sometimes and my thumb and index finger would swell up... and off to the digital surgeon I would go... gratified they could fix it.. Cubital Tunnel syndrome (that crazy bone in your elbow) also occurred from too much pressure on that nerve ... but they fixed it some 20 yrs ago.. and not a problem since.. Life is interesting .. and gratifying.. Keep doing interesting things or Reading about them... Ken


@sueinmn, @ess77, How delightful to hear from you two. You understand so much. Sometimes I just want to "listen" to all of you about similar issues that I have. I no longer jump to conclusions. One thing for sure @sueinmn, thumb injections are pretty dicey.

And here is my other "bad memory" from the surgery on the left thumb. If you recall, I lived in a small valley at 6000 ft up on the mountain. My friend Janice told me to make sure I told them about the altitude so that they allowed room in the bandaging for swelling. I did my best....he is a very good hand surgeon and I was personally introduced to him by my shoulder & knee surgeon. He kind of told me that he was the surgeon and would definitely know how to bandage the thumb no matter where I lived.

Are you ready for this? When I awakened I thought the bandage was pretty tight and so I reiterated my request to the "check out" technician. After being reassured, I jumped in the car and headed up the mountain along with a supply of Percocet which I knew nothing about.

Within an hour I was vomiting and unable to find relief from the pain. So back in the car, I went, with my friendly driver who had warned me. As soon as we arrived (1-hour drive) the surgeon's PA met us and completely redid the bandaging. When I asked, he did tell me that the medication sensitivities were listed on the chart but nothing about altitude.

Unfortunately, that memory is pretty vivid right now and I am turning chick, chick, chicken. Give me another week or so and I will see where I am emotionally. I know this quality of life issue is still on my list and it needs to be done.

Thank you for your kindness and attention.
May your life be one of ease.

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Great tale about the bandages - I was miserable after the first surgery - PA told me on the phone it was normal, so I "dropped in" on my hand therapist who took one look and cut away most of the padding. This time I knew to check before I left the surgery center. And when it got too uncomfortable I cut it down myself.
Don't chicken out, please, it will be so much better afterward!


Well, aren't you a breath of fresh air, Mr. KEN! AND SO TRUE....there are so many places I want to visit....but those days are past, I fear. Added to the ever growing list of things I missed or didn't do. A growing list of....

WCS! Would've, should've, could've....my new
abbreviation just now! A good thing....

That's the time in which we live. Our ancestors were faced with much worse aging.....what did they do?
Kept going until they couldn't. That's what we're doing right now! I actually love it.

Ken, the dental charges were after my insurance paid!
Was not fun, but like I said to myself at the time.......this is the time to get it finished. And, I'm so much prettier, can chew and smile.

Night, all. Life is good. God is good. You are all so good for my health!
Blessings, all.


Almost worth being sick....to enjoy feeling better.........And, yes, this life has been filled w/serious challenges. What to do?

What you do is keep going, grit those teeth if need be, but understand you're likely going to deal with painful TMJ! As it happens, it's very painful, too....and led to some of the $15,000 I recently spent for teeth repair, replacement, in the middle of covid19.

Ain't life fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blessings all.

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Years ago I had horrid TMJ. I know how bad it can be. Tried everything and got no relief. In desperation, I went to an acupuncturist and after three, or four sessions it went away! I not espousing acupuncture, but it was a last-ditch effort that worked for me.. I've had little twinges of it come back from time to time, but nothing that NSAIDs won't help. TMJ is some of the most awful pain one can go through. You are a brave person. Wish you well.


Years ago I had horrid TMJ. I know how bad it can be. Tried everything and got no relief. In desperation, I went to an acupuncturist and after three, or four sessions it went away! I not espousing acupuncture, but it was a last-ditch effort that worked for me.. I've had little twinges of it come back from time to time, but nothing that NSAIDs won't help. TMJ is some of the most awful pain one can go through. You are a brave person. Wish you well.

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@alamogal635- I've also had it. My dentist sent me for specialized PT for it. You can also google exercises to help it.


Years ago I had horrid TMJ. I know how bad it can be. Tried everything and got no relief. In desperation, I went to an acupuncturist and after three, or four sessions it went away! I not espousing acupuncture, but it was a last-ditch effort that worked for me.. I've had little twinges of it come back from time to time, but nothing that NSAIDs won't help. TMJ is some of the most awful pain one can go through. You are a brave person. Wish you well.

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Thank goodness I've not suffered with TMJ but after an injury to my back and trying all of the traditional medical treatments to no avail for relief, I, too, @alamogal35, in desperation began seeing an acupunturist 20+ yrs ago. I continue to go and receive relief each time my back injury flares up. Diagnosed with kidney disease, I've had to exchange my favorite NSAID, Advil, for Tylenol which doesn't work nearly as well. A friend suffering with crippling migraines relies on acupuncture for help. We both agree it was what enabled us to continue working when we were considering having to resign due to pain.


Great tale about the bandages - I was miserable after the first surgery - PA told me on the phone it was normal, so I "dropped in" on my hand therapist who took one look and cut away most of the padding. This time I knew to check before I left the surgery center. And when it got too uncomfortable I cut it down myself.
Don't chicken out, please, it will be so much better afterward!

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I know.........thanks for understanding. I think we have become nature's punching bags sometimes........especially when it appears to be our own fault. You, my dear "Moss Lady" have become a recovery expert. When the surgeon showed me all the arthritis roaming around my thumb joint......I was really surprised.

It is 5 degrees this morning.......are you missing Texas....I am missing San Diego and all the grandchildren, especially the new ones in Austin. I love reading about all your adventures with the "kiddos".


I know.........thanks for understanding. I think we have become nature's punching bags sometimes........especially when it appears to be our own fault. You, my dear "Moss Lady" have become a recovery expert. When the surgeon showed me all the arthritis roaming around my thumb joint......I was really surprised.

It is 5 degrees this morning.......are you missing Texas....I am missing San Diego and all the grandchildren, especially the new ones in Austin. I love reading about all your adventures with the "kiddos".

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My word! Where are you? Can or do you go out in this weather? It must be devastating for your skin....eyes, nose....6000' in mountains of NM? I' m soooooo impressed, Chris. You are a tough woman!

Hey, Toughy, when is your surgery scheduled?

I'm recuperating from my journey into the world of all things electronics. Fingers, hands, back, neck, brain, eyes, whole body paying the price for last week.

John, I went downstairs yesterday and sat at my desk to do a couple of things. My fit watch was charging, in a desktop USB. Hmmmmm. It attaches to the back of the watch with magnets. Oh!

My desktop is erased. Empty. NADA! GONE! EMPTY!

I transferred all files to the new phone and laptop.
Ain't life grand? God is good! The watch now charges in my BR electric outlet!

In a day or 2 I'll address that issue. There is a way I'm sure to transfer back, maybe even cleaned up since I cleaned up files during the process. Do you think Webroot is good for virus, malware protection? Trend?

Wow, this "Quality of Life " business is challenging.

Best and blessings to all.


My word! Where are you? Can or do you go out in this weather? It must be devastating for your skin....eyes, nose....6000' in mountains of NM? I' m soooooo impressed, Chris. You are a tough woman!

Hey, Toughy, when is your surgery scheduled?

I'm recuperating from my journey into the world of all things electronics. Fingers, hands, back, neck, brain, eyes, whole body paying the price for last week.

John, I went downstairs yesterday and sat at my desk to do a couple of things. My fit watch was charging, in a desktop USB. Hmmmmm. It attaches to the back of the watch with magnets. Oh!

My desktop is erased. Empty. NADA! GONE! EMPTY!

I transferred all files to the new phone and laptop.
Ain't life grand? God is good! The watch now charges in my BR electric outlet!

In a day or 2 I'll address that issue. There is a way I'm sure to transfer back, maybe even cleaned up since I cleaned up files during the process. Do you think Webroot is good for virus, malware protection? Trend?

Wow, this "Quality of Life " business is challenging.

Best and blessings to all.

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@ess77 Hi Elizabeth, just a plug for Trend. I love it! So unobtrusive, does not get in your face but stays out of sight doing it's thing. I opt for their cheapest antivirus for like 5 years at least and have been very happy with them. Just fyi, Hank


@ess77 Hi Elizabeth, just a plug for Trend. I love it! So unobtrusive, does not get in your face but stays out of sight doing it's thing. I opt for their cheapest antivirus for like 5 years at least and have been very happy with them. Just fyi, Hank

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Hi, Hank. Missed you.

Thanks for the tip. I installed Trend free w/my new Hp laptop. I had Webroot and switched thinking it good and free. Now I get to get my money back from Webroot!

Love free and so far so good.
Hope you are well. Blessings.

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