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Unexplained Itching

Skin Health | Last Active: Mar 8, 2023 | Replies (74)

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Good morning @rashida, what's happening? The list of your diagnoses and health incidents is almost overwhelming. However, I don't immediately read neuropathy. Maybe forerunners to or causal of neuropathy.

And I am glad you found a dermatologist and can connect through telemedicine.

And now to how to find your four threads on Connect, What device are you using? Here are some tips for a laptop. When you return to the top of any page, you will see two things that can help.

Attempt number 1
Step 1: Across the top of your screen you will see the word HOME and then Groups. When you click on Groups, you will see every connect group in alphabetical order. Skin Health is one of those groups.

Step 2: When you click on Skin Health you will be taken to a welcome page and a list of all discussions in chronological order. You might recognize a familiar discussion or others you can explore later.

Step 3: If you click on a Discussion you will be taken to a page just like this one where you can choose "Oldest to newest" or Newest to Oldest on the right-hand side to view the posts.

Attempt number 2
Step 1: On the right-hand side at the top of the page you will see a blue bar with the word "APPOINTMENT". Next on the left is your frame (we are awaiting your beautiful photo) and a down arrow.

Step 2: Click on the down arrow to open your profile. Click on the word Profile. As you move down the page you will see all of your own posts chronologically. That might be a good resource for you.

Attempt number 3
Step 1: To the left of your frame....you will see an envelope (for private messages) a bell and a magnifying glass in an empty box. Enter a user that you are seeking, e.g. "@mollymcgee" or a few words about the discussion you are following e.g. "itching everywhere".

Step 2: A drop-down will open with prior searches from which you can choose. If none of the printed options fit just click again on the magnifying glass and see if it has enough information to find your post.

Good luck. This is the first time I have walked someone through these options. Let me know if it works for you.

May you have contentment and ease

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Replies to "Good morning @rashida, what's happening? The list of your diagnoses and health incidents is almost overwhelming...."

@artscaping Thank you! Yes, I am a mess of conditions, and a veteran of surgeries and procedures (thankfully the last surgery was a laparoscopic gall bladder removal some twenty years ago), lol, which is why I follow that many threads at Mayo Connect! Have been learning a lot through the various members’ experiences. 😊