Common symptoms, no cough

Posted by Jj @daphne47, Nov 19, 2020

I think im going to get tested in a few days. Ive felt a siege of crappy symptoms including, hot/cold, sweaty, chills, night sweats, loss of appetite, very weak and tired, headaches, body aches, congestion, some nausea, and horrible periods of red, hot inflamed face and hands that burn and hurt for along time. Better safe than not. I dont have a cough or chest congestion. Wondered if that made a difference. Anyway i got accepted to get tested. Got my flu shot in sept. Anyone have symptoms of being positive and would share? Id love to get more insight.

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Good morning @daphne47- It sounds as if you really should get tested and the sooner the better. There are some very common symptoms including, but not limited to: a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting

This does not mean that everyone has all of these. ANd, some people are asymptomatic. How long have you had these symptoms? Have you been out and about?


Good morning @daphne47- It sounds as if you really should get tested and the sooner the better. There are some very common symptoms including, but not limited to: a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting

This does not mean that everyone has all of these. ANd, some people are asymptomatic. How long have you had these symptoms? Have you been out and about?

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Yes, im going to be tested monday. I have been out and around some, not too much. Dr. Visits and groceries. I wear a mask and distance, wash hands, etc. But I do have a weak immune system. It could be reactivated EBV again. Symptoms built then hit hard, within a few weeks. Ugghh


Yes, im going to be tested monday. I have been out and around some, not too much. Dr. Visits and groceries. I wear a mask and distance, wash hands, etc. But I do have a weak immune system. It could be reactivated EBV again. Symptoms built then hit hard, within a few weeks. Ugghh

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@daphne47- Is there a way to get retested for EBV? I am hoping that you do not have COVID, of course, but if you do here is something that you might think about:


@daphne47 I had a "mild" case of Covid. For me, it started with a nasty dry cough which t first I attributed to allergies. Also, there was a lot fo sneezing and congestion with a sore throat. It began on a Thursday in early October and I had no fever of which I was aware. Anyway, I decided to see my doctor and She did a COvid test as well as a strep throat test. I was surprised to hear that the COvid test came back positive. THings get a little fuzzy, but I recall feeling achy like having the flu, running a temp that was at time normal and at other times only two degrees above normal. There was extreme fatigue, yet I could do some household things, but it was hazy. My doctor insisted that I call her daily. Had my temp increased and/ or oxygen saturation drop to 90, or below, she insisted I go to one of our hospitals. Mercifully it didn't and slowly I got to a functioning level. I am still experiencing bouts of fatigue, and my sciatica has returned. Know that I was diagnosed with early small cell lung cancer and in March of 2019 underwent surgery that removed a third of my right lung. So that is a concern with anything like COVID. I hope you get tested or have done so by now. It is better for an early diagnosis in my opinion. If you do have COVID rest and follow what your body tells you. I have no idea where I caught the virus, but it spread to my housekeeper and her husband who is my handyman. I hope this helps you. Oh, also my ability to taste things was odd--salty things tasted metallic and it is only this month that things have returned to normal in this area. Good luck to you. Take care. Let us know what is going on with you.


@daphne47 I had a "mild" case of Covid. For me, it started with a nasty dry cough which t first I attributed to allergies. Also, there was a lot fo sneezing and congestion with a sore throat. It began on a Thursday in early October and I had no fever of which I was aware. Anyway, I decided to see my doctor and She did a COvid test as well as a strep throat test. I was surprised to hear that the COvid test came back positive. THings get a little fuzzy, but I recall feeling achy like having the flu, running a temp that was at time normal and at other times only two degrees above normal. There was extreme fatigue, yet I could do some household things, but it was hazy. My doctor insisted that I call her daily. Had my temp increased and/ or oxygen saturation drop to 90, or below, she insisted I go to one of our hospitals. Mercifully it didn't and slowly I got to a functioning level. I am still experiencing bouts of fatigue, and my sciatica has returned. Know that I was diagnosed with early small cell lung cancer and in March of 2019 underwent surgery that removed a third of my right lung. So that is a concern with anything like COVID. I hope you get tested or have done so by now. It is better for an early diagnosis in my opinion. If you do have COVID rest and follow what your body tells you. I have no idea where I caught the virus, but it spread to my housekeeper and her husband who is my handyman. I hope this helps you. Oh, also my ability to taste things was odd--salty things tasted metallic and it is only this month that things have returned to normal in this area. Good luck to you. Take care. Let us know what is going on with you.

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@alamogal635- It's so good to hear that things are back to normal- weel mostly- for you!


@merpreb I've been reading posts here from all sorts of issues. am having fun reading about your renovations and redecorations along with that of others and others. I need a few minor things done to the house. So far no appliance has quit. I think my cooktop will need to be replaced but am waiting until it really goes bad. Want iron safety bars on mtyfront and back glass doors. That is about it here. Oh, I'm thinking of getting a walk-in tub first. I twould be great to have the water jets and have a pad on the back that heats while you bathe. Anyway, want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving--lots of folk I know here with family are having video Thanksgiving. I hope and pray we will be back to a more normal state in life when 2021 rolls around! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!


@merpreb I've been reading posts here from all sorts of issues. am having fun reading about your renovations and redecorations along with that of others and others. I need a few minor things done to the house. So far no appliance has quit. I think my cooktop will need to be replaced but am waiting until it really goes bad. Want iron safety bars on mtyfront and back glass doors. That is about it here. Oh, I'm thinking of getting a walk-in tub first. I twould be great to have the water jets and have a pad on the back that heats while you bathe. Anyway, want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving--lots of folk I know here with family are having video Thanksgiving. I hope and pray we will be back to a more normal state in life when 2021 rolls around! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

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@alamogal635- Stay safe and warm and happy Thanksgiving to you too!


@alamogal635- Stay safe and warm and happy Thanksgiving to you too!

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Thank you. Will do.

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