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Hearing Loss | Last Active: Mar 14, 2021 | Replies (69)

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@joyces, Re: "bi weekly", before I asked for your clarification on this I actually went online to determine whether that meant every 2 weeks or twice in a week (because while I thought it was once every 2 weeks, that struck me as not so likely a therapy plan and so maybe it was twice in a week. Online, it was said that indeed, bi weekly has been used for both meanings! Anyway, I was surprised to learn your sessions were for one hour - mine would be for 1/2 hour but I'm guessing more likely 1/wk. I know someone going for VRT in my NY area whose sessions are 45 minutes!

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Replies to "@joyces, Re: "bi weekly", before I asked for your clarification on this I actually went online..."

The VRT I saw always schedules the first session for an hour, because it includes an extensive evaluation where she checks all sorts of things (made somewhat humorous thanks to masks!). She may have decided upon the every other week program because she knew I had a grasp of what needed to be done, plus I live two hours away. Some PTs also do an evaluation, sometimes pretty extensive, sometimes not. My husband saw a PT biweekly for almost a year; she did an evaluation at the start, plus he had been referred by the pain clinic. She worked very hard to convince him that moving would reduce his pain, but, in spite of all her effort, he refused to do exercises at home or even walk every day, so she "fired" him for noncompliance. His back pain has increased a great deal in the two years since he saw her, but it certainly is not her fault. He spends about half of every day lying down, which only increases the pain, although he claims that he feels better in that position. He's basically just waiting to die, which is damned depressing. The pain clinic also gave up trying to get him to help himself. I'm sure that lots of therapists see people who simply don't want to do anything beyond show up for appts., which isn't going to really improve their lot...must be awfully discouraging.