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Gabapentin vs Side Effects

Chronic Pain | Last Active: Feb 26, 2021 | Replies (60)

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I do not rely on Gabapentin 200 mg alone to control pain, I take 3 Advil tablets (can cause blood thinning), and if I still have pain 2 hours later I take Aleve or 3 tabs of Tylenol, I tried prednisone which really helped, but kept me awake for hours. Pray you find what best works for you.

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Replies to "I do not rely on Gabapentin 200 mg alone to control pain, I take 3 Advil..."

Hello @oldsalt1947,

If you don't mind sharing more, could you explain the type of pain you are experiencing? Yes, I agree that prednisone is great but it does cause sleep problems.