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Wow I am experiencing this after a ear infection and swollen tonsils..I think after spitting phlem and gargling salt water and a mix of peroxide I irritated my throat on force of spitting. I went to see my Dr he prescribed me some antibiotics in case of infection but I only had ear pain by then. I started doing some exercises to my neck nothing extreme just used a scarf as stretching tool and used a roller to roll against my back and gently rolled a small roller on my backside of my neck. I was stiff b/c I had a bad habit of stretching my jaw and neck to the right side to pop my ears with no luck and didn't realize I was putting pressure on my neck causing mis alignment..I'm able to breath and not feel the clunk noise when swallowing as much it definitely made a difference..I also lay down and hold my breath in and massage my stomach a area that helps with acid reflux and honestly it gave me some relief. I'm trying to just do exercises and stretching the shoulder and neck area and took a acid reflux pill Im definitely thinking it's gotta have something to do with back and neck adjustment or even just minor dislocation of neck bones maybe either way it did help me after doing the soft stretches and using a roller on my back neck it's weird. I don't do lymphatic massage as I think that also made it worse so ..so yea hopefully it continues to help I'd be happy if it goes away completely.

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Replies to "Wow I am experiencing this after a ear infection and swollen tonsils..I think after spitting phlem..."

@highpsi8 @rockymountain1107 & @luvfitall Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect, a place to give and get support.

@highpsi8 Having tests and getting "normal" results is disheartening. COVID-29 has further complicated finding answers. When is your barium swallow test?

@luvfitall you mentioned a grinding sensation. When did you start to have this sensation?

@rockymountain1107 You have great information to give and I'm sure the community will find this help. Members like @lucy1234 @lupin @mariakaragianni @roseferns. @rockymountain1107 may be able to benefit from this information. May I ask if you came up with the exercises on your own or was it information you received elsewhere?

@rockymountain1107 My family doc assumed I had an ear infection too, and referred me to the ENT specialist. I had ear pain, a fullness feeling in my ears, jaw pain, and the clicking sound when swallowing.
No infection - diagnosis of TMJ.