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I wore a holtor monitor and it showed AFIB and PVC'S. The AFIB is controlled by 37 1/2 mg of metopropol but that doesn't seem to control the PVC's. They occur ramdomly but seem to be coming about 15 minutes after eating. Although, I had them this morning too. My cardiologist doesn't seem worried but like you all, they make me feel terrible. I am unable to walk much because of arthritis in my feet and the possibility of another hip replacement. Something I am trying to avoid as I am at high risk. I limit my decaf drinks as my PC said they still have caffeine in them. That has helped. Do they feel like AFIB but you don't pass out? I appreciate any information. Thanks, Joan

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Replies to "I wore a holtor monitor and it showed AFIB and PVC'S. The AFIB is controlled by..."

@jmb73 I get pesky PVCs when an episode rears up lasting for days or weeks...it’s disruptive, not normal and to me, scary....so, I wish I could be more help with AFIB, but my problem is the PVCs...and then, after an ugly episode runs its course, they go away for quite awhile...it’s never been explained why...thanks

I have 4 arrhythmias a fib, atrial flutter, V tach, and SVT. I discovered the magic of CBD oil in December of 2017 after a year of either shocks by my defibrillator or electro cardio conversions. A failed ablation attempt to treat the afib in 2001 before aortic root surgery. Pain and anxiety was always a factor in the more serious events. During a Dr’s appointment at an electro physiologist’s office to discuss a total ablation, I met a woman in the waiting room and she told me how CBD oil had pretty much stopped all of her arrhythmias. I got the name of the company that she got it from “Populum “, did some research and ordered my first bottle of CBD oil. I went from constant afib, to a total absence of any arrhythmias after taking it for just two days ! My afib was greatly reduced in just 5 hours after my first dose. Don’t take my word for it, google “CBD for arrhythmias“ and read the findings from the NIH.gov and several other articles about its effectiveness. My electrophysiologist couldn’t be the difference when he connected to my defibrillator. I went from hundreds of recoded events to just a dozen small ones in a 3 month period, and was only 3 when it was checked last week. Don’t just start taking it until you have done the research for yourself. CBD effects the p450 liver enzyme which is responsible for medication break down, especially Coumadin. It’s just a matter of slowly increase your dose of CBD and don’t take it within 4 hours of any other medications. My INR has been on track and for the first time in 20 years I don’t have any arrhythmias. I have an artificial aortic valve that used to drive my anxiety to the moon during bad arrhythmias like SVT or atrial flutter. Those folks that have an artificial valve know the click click click that you can’t ignore especially when your heart’s beating fast or erratic.


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