I just started bloating and it makes me look pregnant. Please help!

Posted by amjl81 @amjl81, Aug 20, 2020

I am 33 years old, never been pregnant nor am I pregnant. I am on my period at the moment. Last night I had a severe BM that caused me to lose my hearing and sight at the time, cold sweats, almost fainting (thus the loss of senses). It caused me to throw up a lot. I end up sitting on the toilet for an hour trying to get the hard poop out before diarrhea starts, usually the latter causes the pain and feeling of faint and cokd sweats to disappear, this time it took hours and I ended up in the bath tub with a few of passing out (I didn't want to pass out on the toilet). Now today I have had severe cramps and pain in my lower abdomen and massive bloating there as well causing me to look pregnant (about 7 months along so it is quite extended but it is centered more so a few inches under my waist line). I have never had that bad of a BM during or near that time of month (I have had a smaller version which includes the cold sweats and the feeling faint but not to that extent, which to me has become a normal thing). I have seen a gyno in the past, was in a hospital Nov 2019 where they checked out my uterus. No endometriosis then nor at my gyno. On paper I am a healthy 33 year old (minus PTSD and a severe concussion with all those side effects, yay me). So this is new to me. Nothing has changed in my eating habits nor medication. If anyone has any advice as to help with the bloating please post. After I was finished passing everything in my system from both ends last night I did place a hot pad on my stomach and uterus but then today it doesn't look nor feel as if it did anything. Please! I need help.

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I had the same symptoms and was mis dianosed for 6 years. I just found out it is a condition called DUMPING SYNDROME> Please check it out.

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