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Surgery during covid-19

Transplants | Last Active: Nov 14, 2020 | Replies (25)

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Kidney and liver transplsnt thst is Awesome! How long since the transplant? We are truly blessed for the dedicated medical professionals for making organ transplant possible! I am only on Prednisone and immuran for antirejection meds. No problems.

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Replies to "Kidney and liver transplsnt thst is Awesome! How long since the transplant? We are truly blessed..."

@guidant07, My transplant surgery was in April 2009. It was called a simultaneous surgery: 1 donor, 1 surgery, 2 organs. Both organs began to work immediately after surgery, and they still are. Taking care of myself is a top priority and every day is a day to give thanks. I was taking prednisone for several years until the research showed that I could stop taking it. I do, however continue with my other 2 other anti-rejection medications.
After my transplant, I wanted to regain my strength and endurance so husband and I could do some hiking. How about you? What do you want to do when you are recovered and walking again?