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Eyes and Neuropathy

Eye Conditions | Last Active: Dec 23, 2023 | Replies (299)

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Hi Hank, always a pleasure speaking with you. Haha, remember this was during a time when there was no internet and no cell phones! Australia was not common knowledge back then. I had cousins who visited. My parents owned a family restaurant at that time so they were introduced to many of our customers. People had no idea of the country they had come from, only knew my cousins had a funny accent.
I enjoyed learning new things so I spent a lot of time at my local library taking out non fictional books. Who would go to the library to learn about Australia? The country was unheard of on the TV national news. There was no cable then either. It is amazing how far we have come. Now everyone knows the country Australia and its popular actors/actresses. I believe technology has made a great impact in our society but I also see the downfalls. I am sorry to say I feel the movie “Idiocracy” is becoming a reality with the newer generations. During our time( when we were younger) we learned to do things the hard way without technology. I understand the basics and can speed up getting results through the use of technology. The younger generations are lost without technology today because they can’t do without cells phones or internet. I still have my slide rule, lol, an antique now. I know the operations of math and can figure out results quicker with a calculator but these kids have no clue how results are derived.
For a few weeks the emails stopped coming, so I couldn’t communicate with anyone on Connect. This happened once before for a few months but luckily the emails came back a lot sooner. Thanks to John, he has informed me who to contact if it should happen again.
I was thinking about you a few weeks earlier when I purchased Omega 3 fish oil for a pet rescue dog with joint issues. Yes, even my dog takes it, lol! Mini Pearl is doing much better now, much more alert. I took her off drugs that made her drowsy. I know people are trying to help but common! Yes, I am an advocate for health issues especially when it comes to my elderly mother. I am fortunate she listens to me at her age, 90. She is pretty sharp still despite her ailments. From time to time my husband and I will visit her at her apartment. Because I don’t drive, I do everything for her remotely. She still can ambulate and be somewhat independent. It is her low vision and her lack of understanding the english language that sets her back. We communicate using the internet daily. I taught her to use the Ipad and her cell phone. We both learn from each others experiences. As long as the medical staff knows you are knowledgeable they won’t mess with you. Sadly, the bottom line is the Benjamins. They will do what is best for them in that regards unless you speak out.
Great to see you are an advocate for yourself and Linda. Your research will pay off. I found many times doctors were not able to answer questions simply because they did not know. That is why I take it upon myself to learn what is best for me. I do the same for my mother. I tell her to try different things as you do with Linda.
By the way, this morning I took the ALA with food 30 mins prior to the ALC again with food. No issues so far. Before the daily 600 mg ALA gave me an energy boost. Now with the 300 mg ALA and 1200 mg ALC daily I hope to gain a bigger energy boost.
Hope you and Linda had a good day today. No worries when you get to the responses with the Emails. Take care, Toni

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Replies to "Hi Hank, always a pleasure speaking with you. Haha, remember this was during a time when..."

@jesfactsmon Hank I had posted a reply to one of your posts, ”I don’t know why.....” on Monday, Labor Day. I know you are busy with the emails, so no worries. Just letting you know. By the way, I am sending a thank you to you and Linda for the additional info on the tea. Good to know. I was wondering about that. I plan to sip it iced. I wish I had the tea sooner to try though. 🙁 I got a headache again today. I get the pain behind my bad eye now as well. Don’t know if it is caused by the vision changes related to the eye exercises. The good news is it only lasts a day or 2. Tomorrow is another day. Toni

Thank-you for making me aware of this message. I try to view every new post each morning since the previous day but it is amazing how many I still miss. I'm so glad you pointed me back to this one, I would not want to miss it for the world! Let me address in order some things you mentioned.

I can hardly believe how much has changed since, say, (gosh pick any date before the 90's or so) 1978 when we were married. I feel like I have lived two lives in two different times of history. I think I have lived through the time of the most dramatic changes in the history of our planet, technology-wise and culturally. Culture shock abounds now, and even more so since the start of covid19.

Idiocracy. Yes!

Omega3 - the image of an innocent seal face came to me immediately when I saw that word "seal" on the AUUM website. So much for that. I remember when my wife was contemplating starting to eat fish again a few years back. Then she saw the cartoon "Finding Nemo". So much for that idea. Couldn't eat Nemo!

So nice your mom is still as functional as she sounds. Mine too. She is 98, gorgeous, stylish, and still very with it. My sister lives with her and watches over her. It's such a tremendous joy that she is living, I just hope I get to visit again while she is still healthy and alive. She is in Connecticut. We are in Tennessee. We video chat but I miss her terribly anyway. You said your mom has trouble with English. I thought she was Australian? Maybe I missed something, I do that a lot.

Linda feels the best thing she can do for herself is avoid drugs. Between that and her allergy to OTC stuff, she is pretty much drug free. I got her low dose naltrexone recently, not sure when/if she will ever take it. Latest is she is trying PEA now based on inputs from @elizm some of who's posts I really enjoyed reading recently. Smart lady.

Thanks again for pointing me to your post Toni. Best to you, Hank